The Inner AmiLet us explore what lies inside the vowels of the name Mizuno Ami. Does it really correspond to what's in her soul? Let us find out...-
An indication of a temperamental nature that is easily roused or offended (this sounds more like Mako-chan and Rei-chan, rather than my beloved Ami-chan!), sometimes a sense of self importance and independence, and a lack of tact.
Is this Ami? Nahh, she almost never gets mad (but when she does, she's so kawaii!), and she certainly never lack tact!
Represents people who dislike detail and repetitive tasks. They tend to become lazy and bored--and unwilling to devote to long range goals.
This isn't her, either! If she had this characteristic, then she wouldn't commit to being a Sailor Senshi and promise to fight for good until evil is finally gone (which will take forever!).
Stands for people who do not live life to the fullest, because they are afraid of its dangers. They wish for things to remain as they are.
This one is a little close. no? ^^
Indicates an attitude of opposition to learning and spiritual values, leading to ignorance and rigidly-held opinions. This person fears change, fears that her opinions will be rejected and that her love will be repulsed so she usually hides in an emotional and intellectual shell.
The fear of rejection hits the nail right on the head! Ami IS afraid of these things (see Ami-chan: In Depth for more details), and somehow--the emotional and intellectual shell mentioned here kinda sounds family.
Signifies lack of material common-sense. These people are usually poor, and are fond of spending whatever they've got on things with no lasting value.
Ami-chan, poor? She lives in a mansion, doesn't she (or so I've heard...)? And she doesn't seem to shop much, for a fact (I'd think she would be very practical with her money, wouldn't you say?)... || Back to the Top ||