Welcome To
The Official John Duncan Homepage


Well, the page has been updated finally.  Frist,  I want to clear something up.  That is not me as a baby.  I wish it was, but it's just a picture I had.  Sorry to disappoint all you people who for some reason thought it was me.  I added some more friends pics and did a College Life section which is not fully complete yet.  Oh, and I added some new links including one to my brother's page.  Also, be sure to check out the list of things/people that piss me off.  Ten million strong and growing.  You should hear music when you go to each page, let me know if it works.

Items of Duncmania
New and improved...all the letter C stuff is gone, so now check out cool things that start with L!
David Lynch
Ben Lee
Life In Hell
Other stuff...
John is Pissed Off
College Life
Music I Dig
My Friends
More Friends

Thanks to my wonderful friends at Geocities for providing me with a free Web Page.   They are da bomb.