Carl Mecek combined three anime series, Macross, Southern Cross, and Mospeda, into one. Shown in the mid 1980s (in the Bay Area, San Francisco Channel 44), Robotech was the second anime series I've seen. Robotech was seen in the Cartoon Network and in the South Bay's Public Television Station Channel 54.
Mospeda Information.
Dedicated to the Mospeda episodes and books.
All anime fans must watched at least one episode of Sailor Moon. Scout information,
images, sounds, and a Sailor Moon poll.
Castle in the Sky. Easy access
to Sailor Moon information including episodes dubbed in different languages.
Sailor Moon Zone.
Sailor Moon.
Project Anime Sailor Moon.
Naoko Takeuchi. Works
of Naoko Takeuchi who created Sailor Moon.
Date Last Updated: Sunday September 1, 2002