Ronin Warriors/Voltron Xovr Fanfic:

"What the?!"

by Lionesse (aka: Ryo's Gurl)

Author's note: This fic is written kinda "script" style and not in my usual writing style. That's coz I wrote this in ten minutes (typing it took longer tho)! Now that I've finally seen over half of the "Ronin Warriors" series, I feel enough confidence to try a crossover fic with another series I'm rather familiar here goes...

A strange phenomona occurred while fighting the Dynasty...the Ronin Warriors have been displaced and end up on Planet Arus, home of the Voltron Lion Force.

Cye: Hey this isn't Earth OR any Dynasty realm guys.
Ryo: Yeah, check out that white castle...definitely not one we've seen before and not Talpa's style at all.
Rowen: It IS a castle. [Duh! Oh well.]
Sage: This is too weird. Where'd the Dynasty go?
Kento: We're not in Kansas anymore guys.
Ryo: [annoyed] WE NEVER WERE, DOLT!
Kento: I know that. I jus' couldn't resist a chance to say that.
Ryo: Oh, whatever! Let's just check out that castle okay guys. Maybe we'll find some answers there.
Rowen: It's at least a 1.5 mile hike.
Ryo: [sarcastic]Well, then we'd better start,eh o brain?
Suddenly they all hear a roar.
Ryo: Uh, White Blaze?
The white tiger wasn't present though. He was back guarding Mia and Yuli...where ever they were.
Ryo: Uh, okay, well...uh, that wasn't White Blaze. That means there's someth--
Before Ryo can finish, five flying mechanical lions scream overhead as they too, seem headed towards the castle.
Cye: Uh, what were those things?
Kento: Yeah, weirdest looking jets I've ever seen.
Sage: Looked more like lion-like things. They had legs.
Rowen: They headed for the Castle.
Ryo: [bops Rowen on the helmet] WILL YOU STOP! Stating the obvious is supposed to be my job!
Rowen: Oh...sorry bout that.
Kento: Hey, maybe there's food at that castle. I'm starvin'!
Sage: Let's just go...geesh, we babble too much.
Ryo: [snaps into a gaze towards the wearer of Halo] "DO NOT!"
Sage: Do too.
The other three Ronins chime in..."SHUT UP ALREADY!"
Ryo and Sage wisely do so.
The five Ronins reach the edge of the forest and view a bridge that crosses the castle moat as well as a large winged lion statue guarding the bridge's entrance point.
Ryo: Definitely lions of some sort.
Cye quivers and stealthily slinks behind Kento.
"Guys, its eyes just glowed."
Kento: Get off me man! I don't swing that way sissy!
Cye: Am not! Besides, if you're in front, that thing can eat you first then it'd be too full to eat the rest of us.
Ryo: [glances at the statue] Its eyes aren't glowing Cye. It's just rock. You've been out of the water too long. You're seeing things.
The statue's eyes glow again and there's a soft roar emanating from it.
Ryo quickly assumes a defensive posture and draws out his swords. The others quickly do the same.
Suddenly a giant, blue mechanical lion leaps out of the lake near the castle and pounces expertly onto the bridge, blocking their way forward. A green one slinks out of the forest, blocking the way they came. And, the once rock
statue above them is now a massive black lion now crouched in a pounce position and glaring down at them.
A voice resounds from the massive Black lion above them.
"Who are you? State your reason for intrusion NOW!"
Before any of the Ronins can reply, a red and yellow lion flank the two previously unoccupied sides.
Rowen: This doesn't look good Ryo. We should play along for now...until we know exactly what's going on.
Ryo: Duh! I already thought of that genius!
Ryo then confidently steps forward, towards the statue's base. Cye amazingly joins him as they now stand back-to-back.
Ryo: To protect the world from devestation...
Cye: To unite the--
Before he can finish, both are pelted by the other three Ronins.
Ryo takes a moment to think (cue the JEOPARDY music and Pokemon visuals dancing above Ryo's head).
"Heheh...oh, yeah...duh...whups. Actually,we are the RONIN WARRIORS! Now...who the hell are you?!
Lance from Red lion chimes in to his captain in Black lion.
"Uh never heard of them Keith. Haggar or Lotor could've sent them?
Keith: They sound too much like fellow Terrans, Lance.
While the Voltron Captain and his second in command conversed, Blue lion settled on its haunches and its pilot spoke, "I am Princess Allura, ruler of this planet. The other four are Keith, Lance, Pidge, and Hunk. We're the VOLTRON FORCE!"
The five Ronin Warriors were unimpressed and formed a huddle for a private discussion.
Rowen: Definitely NOT Earth or Dynasty.
Kento: I'm really confused.
Sage and Cye nod in agreement.
Sage: So what now Ryo?
Ryo: My head hurts. Got an aspirin?
Sage: Tough. We need to do something NOW y'know.
Ryo steps away from the huddle.
"Uhhh....what planet are we on Miss?"
Allura: Why the Planet Arus of course.
Ryo:Huh? Eh? Of course! How stupid of me. Thank you Miss...err..your majesty...or something like that.
(Ryo returns to the Ronin Huddle)
Rowen: Don't look at me guys! I've never heard of a Planet Arus!
Ryo: Where's the Ancient One, Anubis, or Mia when ya need 'em!
Kento: Hey guys, I jus' thought of something. (Kento thinking?!) We need to find a phone so we can tell Mia to hold up on dinner. Otherwise we'll be eating cold leftovers!
The other four Ronins proceed to bat Kento on the helmet.
Kento: What?! Geesh!
(Back in the lions)
Lance: They sure babble a lot.
Pidge: do you.
Lance: Why you--!
Keith: Cool it!
Allura: Hey Keith, call it intuition, but I think these boys aren't Lotor or Haggar's goons. I sense goodness not evil within them.
Hunk: Could we all just agree and do something so we can go have dinner!
Keith: [sighs] Okay, fine. I give. We'll go on the Princess' intuition.
Switching to the exterior comm unit on the lion, Keith prepared to talk to the Ronin boys.
"Welcome to Arus. You may enter the Castle of Lions as guests of Princess Allura."
Ryo nodded then turned back to the other Ronins.
"Toldya they were LIONS"
Sage: Who cares, lets just get going before they change their minds.
They then crossed the bridge and entered the beautiful castle. As they did so, they were greeted by the five pilots
of the mechanical lions, an old man, and a blathering nanny/royal governess.
Rowen: Ryo, I think we oughta disarm. Y'know as kinda a show that we mean no aggression.
Ryo: But what if it's a trick?
Cye: I don't think we're in any position to think about that right now.
At that Ryo and the others returned to their 'normal' clothes.
Lance: Well, those are definitely Earth clothes, but did you see that Keith...there's some sort of magic involved with those armors!
Lance then grabbed the nearest Ronin, Cye, by the collar and pinned him against the wall.
"Who sent you? Haggar? Speak now or become a has been boy!"
Cye: [choking] Who? We were fighting the Dynasty on Earth then ended up here somehow. We know of no Haggar person!
Keith: Lance, let go of him. That's an order!
Lance: Yessir. Your order is my command. (Lance then looks at the Ronin that was about the challenge him to a fight) Gee Keith, I didn't know you had a kid brother...
Allura: Wow, you two do look similar. Well Keith now I know what you'd look like if you had blue eyes.
Keith: [unimpressed] whatever.
Later, much to Kento and Hunk's liking, both sides explained their stories over a huge dinner feast.
Allura: [giggles] So in a way, your armors are very similar to our lions. Both use the elements of nature as their
sources of energy. See, like the Armor of Wildfire, Red lion uses a volcano and fire, like the Armor of Strata, the
Black lion fuels from the skies above, Armor of Hardrock is like the Yellow lion with the fuel of the ground itself, the Armor of Halo...well, that's a little different from Green lion's but both share the liking of the green forests, and the Armor of the Torrent well that's the same as my Blue lion...water. How sweet!
(yes, Allura likes to babble too)
Sage: (who's been staring at the Princess all through the dinner) [shyly]Uh, I think you're sweet too.
Ryo: Hey! I saw her first!
Sage: You did not!
Rowen: Oh give it up you two. She probably likes a guy with brains and not immature barbaric apes like you two.
Cye: Actually, she may like a guy with stuff in blue and water, and the ability to cook thereby getting on her nanny's good side by helping out...
Keith stood from his place beside the Princess.
"You may as well give up now boys. I am Captain of the Voltron Force, pilot of Black lion, AND have saved her
life several times.
Lance couldn't resist...
"Hey that finally a CONFESSION OF LOVE?"
Keith's face turned as red as his flight suit. "Uh well,...uh.."
The Ronins were confused again, but got the subtle hint that the princess was already taken. The Voltron captain and his massive Black lion were too worthy an adversary and it wasn't worth it. Besides, Mia would've kicked them out of her house if she found out they were flirting with older girls that weren't her.
All of a sudden a shuddering jolt snapped Ryo to his senses. Looking around he quickly realized that he was lying flat on the ground.
"Uhhhh....oooowww, my head."
He slowly rose to his knees and looked about. He was completely surrounded by char. Looking back down at himself he realized he was in the White Armor of Inferno.
"Ohhh...must've been knocked out somehow..." he mumbled as he stumbled to his feet.
Later,at Mia's house, Ryo was on the couch with ice on his head, trying to relieve some of the pain of the concussion. Four angered Ronins surrounded their 'unofficial' leader.
"Ryo, if you EVER want us to help with the White Armor again then keep us out of your weird, deranged dreams okay?!"
" was I supposed to..."
"Fight better. Think harder. And move when large wooden beams come towards your head!" Sage sarcastically interrupted.
The four then left Ryo.
"Man, I really gotta lay off the tv before battles." Ryo mumbled to himself before curling back up in a blanket and returning to his hard fought nap.