About me
Creepy, no? A picture within a
picture. I feel like I'm being watched...
Anyway, this site just shows some of the work that I've done. They might
not be really good, but they're mine and I just want to share it with you
and the rest of the world...or anyone that bothers coming to my site.
There's not much about me that most of you don't already know, but for those meeting me for the first time (Hi! How do you do?) here's a little bit of info:
My name is Nai Ho Saephan. I'm originally from Long Beach, CA (I'm very proud of that, because I can claim to have known Snoop Doggy Dogg! WEST SIDE!!!). I've been living in the Bay Area since I was 2 years old. That's 18 long years. My parents decided that they wanted to be closer to their kin. Ah...how Long Beach would've been like, I'll never know. I haven't even visited the damn place. Oh, well! Home is where you make it (I got that from Joe Dirt).
I'm currently unemployed and not going to school. I attended the Academy of Art College in San Francisco from Fall of 2002 through Spring 2003. I'm skipping a year though, but I'll be going back the Fall of 2004. The world sucks right now and I'm not able to go to school this year. You can donate to a poor, hungry student if you can find it in your heart to help someone such as I. To find out how to make a donation, please email: naihosaephan@asia.com.
Well, I think that's enough information for one day. Thanks for visiting my page and hope you enjoyed it.
Nai Ho Saephan
copyright © 2003 nai ho saephan, all rights reserved