Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen: Triple side-by-side reports!!

-Alicia's report (w/movies)
Well, at long last, your wishes are fulfilled, girls! I found a copy of this Jane Austen book and we have several reviews of it for you this time! As for me, I loved Pride & Prejudice! It was very easy to read, and I got through it in a very short time. I knew how the story went, and yet I could hardly put the book down. Of course, we all know, this kind of book is great, because you can count on there being nothing inappropriate in it --unless of course you’re opposed to romance, but then you won’t appreciate Ms. Austen’s work at all I’m afraid! Otherwise, I would certainly recommend her as an author. Her books do not drag, and though they may be older, she’s not a Shakespeare! It would be hard to compare this novel with Sense & Sensibility (most of you will remember my review of that a few issues ago!). They are very similar in many ways, but the truth is, I’ve seen the movies based on these stories too often to compare the books after only one reading! I’ve seen the older movie Pride & Prejudice staring Greer Garson, and I loved it, and I just recently saw the A&E/BBC version, which I think gets into the full story much better! You’ve probably heard at least some about this story. It’s about a family of 6 girls, once again in the early 20th century, who are not wealthy but not poor, and they need to marry. Sound familiar? It’s still great, because remember, Jane Austen was one of the originals. She was among the authors that started all these familiar plots, so when you read this book, although you may have heard it before, it was new when it was written, and I think you’ll find the twists of plot very interesting! The main character in this book is Elizabeth Bennet. Lizzy is a high spirited, intelligent, and fun young woman...which was somewhat unusual for her time and/or circumstances! But her love and loss isn’t the only story in this novel. The reader will also be involved in the romances of 2 of Elizabeth’s sisters: the sweet older sister, Jane, and the head-strong and immoral Lydia. One thing I do like about Jane Austen‘s writing (although, I confess, I’ve only read 2 of her novels!) is that she doesn‘t leave all the loose strings we are so accustomed to seeing in books and movies nowadays. The ending is happy, but without overlooking the practical aspects that cannot be separated from reality. There is also a restraint in these books that comes with the times they were written in, which may frustrate or please different readers. But all in all, I think this book is worth your time and I encourage you to read about all the details I left out!! =)

–Mary's report
Pride and Prejudice is Jane Austen's second and probably best known book. The name Miss Austen gave it is aptly chosen, as the story shows the consequences of pride and prejudice. The story revolves around a young lady named Elizabeth Bennett and her family consisting of Mr., Mrs., Jane, Elizabeth, Mary, Catherine, and Lydia. The characters of Mr. and Mrs. are portrayed immediately in a much amusing way, and the characteristics of the 5 daughters are not long in coming to light. The book starts out with a Mr. Bingley newly arrived in the neighborhood, and Mrs. Bennett intent on getting one of her beautiful daughters married to him. The story carries on with hopes, disappointment, humor, and, of course, pride, and prejudice. Many characters come into the scene, among them, the boring and shallow Mr. Collins, relative and heir to Mr. Bennett's estates; haughty, and rich Lady Catherine; Charlotte Lucas, Elizabeth's close friend who marries a most unusual choice; Miss Bingley, and Mrs. Hurst, sisters to Mr. Bingley; Wickham, courter to Elizabeth's hand; and last of all, but not least, Mr. Darcy, who early on in the book slights poor Elizabeth. The embarrassment felt at foolish relatives, the unsteady feelings of falling in love, and the humiliation of realizing one has made a mistake and wronged another are all portrayed by Austen most well and truly. After reading this novel, one wonders not that it has become one of the most famous classics.

–Elizabeth's report (w/music)
For those of you who are musically inclined, (i.e. play piano and enjoy classical-like music :-) ) I am happy to inform you of some great soundtracks and sheet music, all from Jane Austen movies! The soundtracks are just beautiful, - there are four in all that I know of. Sense and Sensibility, (from the movie with Emma Thompson and Kate Winslet), Pride and Prejudice, (from the 6-tape A&E/BBC version with Jennifer Ehle and Colin Firth) Emma (With Gwyneth Paltrow), and Persuasion (with Amanda Root). For sheet music I would highly recommend getting the book "Jane Austen's World" (ISBN 0571517935) because it has a few pieces from each movie. (S&S, P&P, Emma, and Persuasion) I only know of one piece that has been simplified therein, and that piece would be "My Father's favorite" which you can buy separately, unsimplified. (I think the ISBN for that piece is: HL00351503) You can also buy the Pride and Prejudice theme for flute or piano, but you don't need the piano version if you buy "JA's World" because they already include the entire piece, unsimplified, in the book. I have really enjoyed these CD's and pieces and I hope you will too. You should be able to order the CD's at any Barns and Noble bookstore, and the sheet music at any music store. They are a great addition to any Janite's musical library. :-)

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