We, the members of the Asia Legal Society of the Washington College of Law hereby enact the following as the by-laws of our organization.


I. The administrative body of the Society will be the Administrative Council. The AC will consist of the following positions [consensually or voluntarily appointed] as hereinafter provided: Council Director, Secretary, Treasurer, and Public Relations Representative. The Council will be responsible for administration of the Society and for carrying into effect the dictates of these by-laws and resolutions of the general membership.  AC members will have signatory authority over Society accounts relevant to their subjects.

II. The Council Director will manage Society activities, serving as both lead contact person and coordinator of all projects. The CouncilDirector will also assist in administrative decision-making when necessary and proper. The Council Director will organize committees for the planning and execution of Society activities.  Each committee member will be responsible to the AC for the execution of tasks delegated.  The  Council Director will have signatory authority over Society accounts.

III. The Secretary will appoint minute-takers at the meeting and will archive all minutes and other Society documents, making those documents available to any member when necessary. The Secretary will assist the Public Relations Representative with the the Society Mailinglist and website. The Secretary will maintain membership records of the Society. The Secretary will also distribute these by-laws to all members and will maintain copies for further distribution.

IV. The Treasurer will be the chief financial officer of the society and will be responsible for managing the budget requests, fundraising, and maintaining the financial records of the Society. The Treasurer will represent the Society at SBA budgetary meetings unless one of the Council members assumes that duty. The Treasurer will manage the consensual process of budget drafting for the Society. The Treasurer will also have signatory authority over Society accounts and will report the status of accounts to the Society when appropriate or necessary.

V. The Public Relations Representative will be available to respond to general as well as specific needs and questions posed by the SBA and others. The Public Relations Representative will attend SBA meetings when necessary. The Liaison will have signatory authority over social function budgetary requirements in the absence of the Treasurer.   The Public Relations Representative will oversee the Society Mailinglist and will serve as webmaster of the Society website.   The Public Relations Representative will oversee Society submissions to the Docket and other publications.


I. Membership to the Society is open to any and all students of the Washington College of Law.

II. Members of the Society may participate fully in all activities sponsored by the Society and may pursue the Administrative or Facilitator positions of the Society in accordance with the provisions of these by-laws. Members may vote for officers, projects, budget, and all other issues that pertain the functioning of the Society.

III. A voting member will be considered a member in good standing upon attendance to or participation in any Society-sponsored event and general meetings.


I. The general membership of the Society will meet at least three times per semester.

II. General Council meetings will be held on an appropriate basis as determined by the Administrative Council members.

III. Any member may propose resolutions and participate fully in debate and voting during the general meetings.


I. Elections.

a) Decisions will be made by majority vote.

b) All council positions will be reevaluated at the end of Spring semester for the following year.

c) All newly-elected officers shall begin their terms of duty effective immediately upon appointment.

II. Vacancies

If, during the course of the semester, a council member steps down from their position, another person will be appointed according to the procedures dictated herein.


Any amendment to this Constitution must be sponsored by a Society member in good standing. Amendments will be passed by consensual vote of the general body following a reasonable discussion. In extraordinary circumstances, if consensus cannot be reached, an amendment may be passed by majority vote. 1