WCL Asia Legal Society
Spring Budget 2000
Estimated copies
Estimated postage
Estimated faxes
Office supplies
Practicing in Asia as a Foreign Attorney
January 2000
Can non-native attorneys practice in Asia? Do different countries extend different privledges? How do responsibilities often divide between domestic and foreign attorneys.
30 attendees @$5.50/person =$160
Clashing of Cultural Traditions: Intellectual Property Law In Asia
February 2000
Discussion of patents, copyrights, and trademark law in Asia; East-West litigation points; what is the intellectual common?
30 attendees @$5.50/person =$160
WTO, Economic Development, and Protecting Human Rights in Asia: Are Trade and Human Rights Mutually Exclusive in Asia
March 2000
of economic development often present conflicts between Human Rights
and the greater economic good. What intellectual traditions stage
the background to resolution of balancing of interests.
attendees @$5.50/person =$160
First Annual ALS Founders Celebration Conference
Wednesday, April 12, 2000, 09:00-17:00, Room 603
Discussing Legal Responses to Xenophobia in Asia
(Budgeted separately)
WCL-ALS Newsletter $500
.50 X 500cc (will be available on-line)
Two per semester (1000 copies total)
.20 X 500 = $100
Two per semester (1000 copies total)
__________________________ ____________________________
Approved Certified Correct
James Miller, Key Contact Funds and Budget Coordinator
The newsletter will come out at the beginning and end of the semester. The first will include events and projects for the semester as well as several articles highlighting topics of interest to the students in the group. The second will include a description of all courses available in the coming semester and bios of professors who teach them. Additionally, the newsletters will feature interviews with professors or Washington-based professionals working in the field about current events in dispute resolution and conflict management. Updates on future events and follow-up information re: past events.
The fact sheets are one to two page summaries of specific topics chosen by the member(s) of the group who chooses to investigate a particular legal issue in Asia.