His Sacrifice
By Elieza Rei (moonkerstin@yahoo.com)
A Fushigi Yuugi Fanfic
Have y0u ever felt true l0ve? 0r maybe l0ve is just a game? H0w d0 y0u kn0w if l0ve’s f0r real?
Hey guys, this fic is dedicated to all 0f y0u wh0 simply are inl0ve and t0 my b0yfriend… Magzy. This is again, alm0st based 0n an experience… ;p read 0n!
Any c0mments, questi0ns and suggesti0ns are always welc0me t0 my mailb0x! Thanks!
I kn0w… Miaka has changed… a l0t. H0w did I kn0w? 0f c0urse! I’m her best friend. L00ks like her relati0nships getting 0ut 0f hand. I can’t believe this is happening. I must help.
Seems like c0llege n0 difference fr0m high sch00l? I bet n0t. It all started this year… remember Tamah0me? Yup, her ever bel0ved l0ver. L00k’s wh0’s at the wr0ng side 0f the bed… its 0ver. She just gave him up like *snap*! Easy huh? I asked her why and h0w. I alm0st freaked 0ut. She said “N0thing Yui. S0metimes y0u realize y0u’re fed up..” Then she smiles. I can’t blame her but still I w0nder what c0uld be the reas0n.
S0 after s0metime, she intr0duced me fr0m a gr0up 0f men. Pity me, I 0nly remember the tw0 0f them- H0t0h0ri, her classmate and his bestfriend, Tasuki. I d0n’t kn0w what’s g0ing 0n 0k but I think there’s s0mething wr0ng here. H0t0h0ri s0metimes invite her t0 hang ar0und 0r watch m0vie with him but she says she can’t. The fishy part is… she says yes t0 Tasuki. L00ks like the tw0 managed t0 get cl0ser after c0ntinu0us chatting, str0lling and even hanging ar0und H0t0h0ri’s c0nd0minium near the sch00l.That must be three m0nths fr0m n0w and guess what’s next? Think they’ll have a l0ve relati0nship? Nah, dr0p it 0ut. Tasuki g0t a girlfriend.
Heartbr0ken Miaka… P00r girl. She th0ught that was a chance. But it didn’t ended that fast. I’ve g0t the chance t0 get irritated by her senseless whines… She was in l0ve? H0w sweet but pathetic! 0k… En0ugh 0f it. Ready f0r a surprise? H0t0h0ri’s falling in l0ve with her! And with 0ut a w0rd, he’s jeal0us. He likes Miaka but it’s definitely 0bvi0us that she likes Tasuki. 0k let’s say Tasuki like her t00 but he kn0ws H0t0h0ri likes her and he d0esn’t want t0 be selfish. It’s just an easy st0ry right? Let’s make it c0mplicated. See, the selfish 0ne here is n0ne 0f the b0ys and theref0re, its Miaka. The girl d0esn’t want t0 dr0p any 0f them. Jeez…
H0t0h0ri began serenading her but she really d0n’t like him. She sees him m0re 0f a best friend. While Tasuki, in the 0ther hand, wants t0 keep silent. This might n0t be a bright idea but I t0ld Miaka my 0pini0n, er, my suggesti0n… “Miaka, why n0t give H0t0h0ri a chance? He seems nice and sweet. And maybe he can take g00d care 0f y0u... (At least when I’m g0ne)”. I really d0n‘t like at h0me… 0r maybe there was n0 real h0me f0r me…
At Miaka’s 18th birthday, she didn’t have a grand party at all. All she wanted is t0 gather up her friends and have a drink at the bar and t0 sing at a vide0ke. I was there. And s0 is H0t0h0ri. Tasuki’s n0t there… I w0nder why. S0 t0 make the st0ry sh0rt… we have fun! And finally… they became a c0uple. I was *h0pefully* happy f0r them… but n0t as happy as what’s happening t0 me. Y0u see I have this family pr0blem and… nah, wh0 wants t0 kn0w.
Yui, I will surely miss y0u. After my birthday, she left. We still c0mmunicate but she ran away fr0m h0me. I didn’t expect this t0 happen but she’s always been like that. Away fr0m h0me – away fr0m me. En0ugh 0f the evening… this w0uld be a new beginning… f0r me and a new relati0n.
Start 0f the sec0nd semester, he became my classmate again. This time, he began t0 reveal his true self. Well I’m n0t giving in. see, pe0ple might hate me but I’m still – n0t c0ntented. I’m n0t a bitch but I think I’m just enj0ying my c0llege days. Remember Tamah0me? We still see each 0ther… quite frequently especially if H0t0h0ri’s attending his class. I usually meet him at our special place, that’s a bar and we’ll drink and chat. I s0me kind 0f *using* him. He’s still int0 me even th0ugh he kn0ws I g0t a b0yfriend. T0 l0ve is t0 be f00led. I pity him! Whether he feels l0ve f0r me, a junk’s a junk. I d0n’t pick up l0sers… c0z my principle in life is: I l0ve y0u but… life is sh0rt.
Well, I’m n0t really that bad. I became greedy and I’ve always wanted m0re. S0 while Tamah0me and me are spending the time t0gether, we still g0 0ut with H0t0h0ri, and he d0esn’t have a clue. Let’s leave my st0ry with Tasuki first because he will be a real pain s00n. Back t0 H0t0h0ri, we became cl0se and s0meh0w I f0und him sincere. Believe it 0r n0t, I s0metimes feel guilty that s0metimes all I wanted was t0 be with him. There was 0ne time that I was with Tamah0me. I felt b0red with him and I d0n’t kn0w what t0 d0. Just t0 save my day, H0t0h0ri texted me and he was asking me t0 j0in him play BINGO at the sch00l’s gym. Happily, I ran my way back t0 sch00l. But 0f c0urse I app0l0gized t0 Tamah0me and t0ld him I need t0 d0 s0me sch00l stuffs. Ha! B0y I’m glad t0 see H0t0h0ri…
S0meh0w H0t0h0ri managed t0 sway my heart t0 get cl0ser t0 him. By 0ur daily r0utine 0f being t0gether, I s0meh0w managed t0 trust him. I s0meh0w revealed s0me part 0f the real me. I can say that I’m falling in l0ve but n0t as s00n as Tasuki butt in. After having this relati0n, Tasuki and me had this bet. He wants t0 c0urt my sister first (0k I have n0 sister but there’s this friend that’s like a sister t0 me). But with0ut further st0ry, he failed. My sister 0bvi0usly d0n’t like him n0r wants t0 meet him. Wh0 says 0nly girls have plan B? Next, he c0urted Yui… Yup, my best friend. The bet is, if Yui bec0mes his girlfriend, I w0uld definitely be his servant f0r the wh0le day. And if he l00se, he’ll get that part. I trusted Yui way back when we were still y0ung. I even trusted her my life. And she hasn’t failed me yet. And I kn0w she never will. 0r will she?
Well, the bet didn’t last n0r pr0duced a result. H0t0h0ri knew and he was mad at me. He said I’d l0se and he d0n’t want t0 see me at Tasuki’s feet. I g0t irritated but s0meh0w I understand him. He was just c0ncern. We 0ften have this fights that I can say… I’m fed up! Next please… But as s00n as I realize I still need him, I managed t0 put myself in 0ne piece. I’m n0t rushing, theref0re, patience is the key. Well, at least I want t0 sh0w him I care. S0 the m0ment that new year has begun, I stayed away fr0m Tamah0me. I st0pped c0mmunicating with him but still he d0esn’t. N0t f0r l0ng, H0t0h0ri knew. He actually knew all al0ng. He said he felt I l0ve him but still, inc0mplete. There was a time when I f0rg0t my cellph0ne at his c0nd0. Can y0u believe that he texted all the names in my ph0neb00k? Yup! There’s n0 imp0ssible f0r him. S0 came the m0rning, he didn’t speak, yet I kn0w his raging with madness. I d0n’t kn0w what t0 d0. This was the first time and I h0pe this was the last! My th0ughts were true. He f0und 0ut that I was still c0mmunicating with my ex because his number is still st0red in my ph0neb00k. Tamah0me t0ld many lies… revenge is sweet, isn’t it?
H0t0h0ri is a type 0f guy that 0nce he gets y0ur respect, he’ll respect y0u back. He is just the 0pp0site 0f me. He finds a pers0n but he prefer l0ving her. If she w0n’t l0ve him in return, then revenge w0uld take place. Creepy isn’t it? But why l00k and n0t l0ve? Life is 0pti0nal. If y0u d0n‘t want him, its n0t really nice t0 use him and dump him in the end. He t0ld me that revenge is sweet but l0ving me is sweeter. He is the type 0f guy wh0 really gets int0 y0ur nerves but has his 0wn weakness. His n0t perfect after all and that makes him vulnerable anytime but he’s just smart f0r 0ne’s trick. Unpredictable but still, every0ne likes him and l0ves him as well.
I tried t0 hide because I kn0w its 0ver. I knew he gave up. He br0ught back all the gifts I gave him and I th0ught it was really the end. S0 I assumed h0w he will attack. I c0uldn’t believe this… this guy left me! I kn0w it’s my fault but I didn’t kn0w he w0uld believe Tamah0me m0re than he believes in me! I’m seri0us… I can say that I finally learned t0 l0ve him… but I guessed its t00 late? I knew he w0uld hate me n0w. We had fights bef0re but this is t00 way seri0us! S0 I guess time’s up! I’m g0ne…
I just want t0 g0 h0me and maybe sleeping w0uld ease the pain… but n0t yet. He wants t0 talk t0 me. I was a little bit surprise and nerv0us. But I gave it a sh0t. We met near the sch00l, in a little garden park and he was sitting there… I hesitated, but then again, my feet kept m0ving f0rward. “Hey H0t0h0ri..” finally these first w0rds came 0ut 0f my m0uth. I sat beside him. He b0wed d0wn and tried t0 talk. He was… crying. I came int0 my senses and handed him my handkerchief. He kept saying that he was hurt. I kept 0n ap0l0gizing and still, defending myself. “What’s wr0ng Miaka? What was missing? What c0uld be my mistake?” I leaned cl0ser. “Its n0t y0u 0k? I kn0w it’s my fault but I already t0ld y0u ab0ut him, right? But n0w, its way 0ver.” I have this sad face, and I d0n’t w0nder why. I remembered I t0ld him bef0re ab0ut Tamah0me, when we were chatting 0n the ph0ne. But l00ks like Tamah0me added s0me spicy inf0s t0 make things w0rse.
“D0 y0u l0ve me?” His killing eyes just br0ke me with silence. “Yes.. l00k, I ha—..” I trailed 0ff. “Then tell me y0u’re s0rry and I’ll f0rgive y0u.” He c0ncluded. At that m0ment, I was sh0cked. The half part 0f me d0esn’t want t0 rec0ncile back because 0f the shame I br0ught t0 him. He is always there, right by my side, l0ving me and supp0rting me in every way. He even defended me many times infr0nt 0f his friends wh0 t0ld him that I was n0t w0rth it. He t00k 0ff his pride, slain his 0wn eg0 and after all, this is h0w I repay him? N0w I can say that true l0ve he feels… f0r me. Why didn’t I see it? Did I even felt it? Yes. But I was just t00 selfish t0 0pen up and listen. “I’m very s0rry.” I finally replied. He dried 0ff his tears and hugged me. He gave me an0ther chance and I’m just happy he did.
I realized that t0 l0ve has many pr0cess. I think I wasn’t mature en0ugh t0 c0mmit myself int0 a relati0nship such like this. But why regret n0w? This will be a great less0n f0r me and a l0t 0f help 0f kn0wledge. Since I based decisi0ns fr0m my experiences, H0t0h0ri helped me t0 0verc0me fear and t0 decide m0re all by myself… f0r the later part, it is I wh0 cr0ss my 0wn destiny. I kn0w I’ll face m0re challenges. Maybe t0ugher than these. Wh0 c0uld tell that maybe t0mm0r0w, we’ll part? H0w s00n is n0w? I cann0t answer that. But I’ll try my best t0 pr0ve him and everyb0dy that I deserve him. His patience, his sincerity, his l0yalty and his sacrifice. F0r t0 really l0ve s0me0ne needs a real sacrifice.
L00ks like Miaka managed t0 find the true meaning 0f l0ve. That’s nice… because y0u d0n’t need me 0r 0thers f0r them t0 decide f0r y0u. And y0u just did perfect. I wish y0u luck with H0t0h0ri.
Y0u always take care… the b0th 0f y0u. If 0nly everyb0dy knew that l0ve was n0t meant t0 take f0r granted. Because if y0u turn back 0n l0ve 0nce, it might n0t return real s00n… 0r is it n0t?
I l0ve y0u h0ney! I l0ve y0u besh!