Copyright by Christine Estanislao | ||||||||||||||||||||||
j M aNd t ! N | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Welcome to the "Tin and Jm" Section"! This part is dedicated to me and my best friend, Besh JM. y0u may ask... s0 what's the purp0se? well, i guess everybody desrves recognition and this is a great way of thanking her and myself for a job well d0ne. yup... we acc0mplished many things in a sh0rt time! ^_^ l00ks like the credits secti0n is n0t en0ugh f0r a little thanks. well, if y0u guys are interested t0 kn0w m0re ab0ut us and want t0 peak s0me 0f 0ur preci0us time t0gether... just sit back and read 0n! Bestfriends F0r Real! I had kn0wn Jm f0r alm0st five years and i can say that we had experienced the ups and d0wn 0f life and friendship. We met since we were in freshman year in high sch00l. t0gether with our 0ther friends, i can say that she was the m0st c0mf0rtable c0mpani0n there is. It was in sec0nd year when she st0pped g0ing t0 sch00l. i was s0meh0w sh0cked and sad t0 hear that she's repeating the wh0le year again. we were separated by time when i was in third year and f0urth year. a good news had s0meh0w lighten me up... when i was in f0urth year, she was already in c0llege taking up Nursing. Yes, she had taken up an accelarati0n exam fr0m DECS giving her the credit t0 pr0ceed in c0llege. That's a great way 0f 0pp0rtunity t0 her. but it didn't last f0r l0ng. she st0pped sch00ling again when i was in c0llege. And guess what? she finally have her little angel baby b0y, J0shua. But 0f c0urse, i wanted her t0 finish her studies first s0 i helped her return t0 c0llege again. we did it the wh0le summer.. it was tiring but a funny experience! Well, the fruit 0f what we started had finally grew! we are n0w b0th in c0llege. I am a sec0nd year student taking up BS Marketing at C0legi0 de San Juan de Letran, Intramur0s Manila and Jm, a freshman student taking up Med Tech at Far Eastern University, Rect0 Manila. and s0meh0w we face each day's challeges t0gether. s0metimes pe0ple w0ndered why she's here in Intramur0s 0r why i am at Rect0... i guess distance d0esn't matter right? just a ride w0uld take me there and back here t0 sch00l. It's called time management and pri0rities guys... anyways, examples 0f 0ur gimmicks are sh0wn bel0w... I h0pe y0u guys have y0ur 0wn best friend t00... the 0ne that is f0r real and f0r keeps... if y0u want t0 make a website 0f b0th 0f y0u... why n0t send me a n0te and let the fun begin! ^_^ E-mail me at with the subject bestfriends. send me s0me pictures y0u want t0 be p0sted and als0 inf0 ab0ut y0urselves typewritten at Micr0s0ft W0rd. S0 keep sendin' n0w! |
Jm's h0use, at her r00m. she is carrying her little angel J0shua! He is surely heavy and very cute! he always eat and he seld0m cries. he is eight tw0 years 0ld and i'm his "ninang". His name is J0shua Chl0ey. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
UPDATES! < 07 12 04 > I w0uld like t0 take the 0pp0rtunity t0 write t0 her my speacial messages and s0meh0w begin with a j0urnal! Besh, this is f0r y0u... |
besh, first 0f all, i want t0 ap0l0gize t0 y0u f0r n0t seeing y0u s0 s00n. i was really busy. but y0u kn0w that i always miss y0u, right? i always care f0r y0u... y0u are really imp0rtant t0 me. th0ugh we are separated again by time and pe0ple that we meet... i always h0pe that we are still intact. we might n0t be always t0gether, but we had always been... in 0ur hearts. i believe in y0u besh... that y0u will pass every challenges and trials that will put y0u d0wn. but besh! stand up tall and always feel pr0ud! remember that i'm hust here t0 back y0u up, k? lastly, i w0uld like t0 thank y0u. f0r c0mf0rting me, and f0r simply being there. thank y0u my b2. and i h0pe we'll always stay this way. y0u might fail n0t just 0nce, i'm pr0mising t0 fullfill my w0rds. in n0 time... after i graduate, i will take y0u with me. and s00n create 0ur little h0me... just as i have envisi0n. i h0pe until that day... y0u are still my best friend. take care besh and i h0pe y0ur happy. and if y0u're n0t... d0n't fear... c0z there will c0me a day that all 0f y0ur dreams will c0me int0 reality. but 0f c0urse... patience and hard w0rk is the key. i'm always here... take care! t!N |