ME magurushii JIKAN no MURE ga
kawaru ga waru SYUURU na NYUUSU
ASU ni nareba, dare mo WASUreteru
Time's crowd is drastic,Ikiteiru IMA, Ikiteiru
The city that it runs through is a savanna.
Sure news of an ill change...
We'll get used to it tomorrow, everyone will forget
I live now, I live...[CHORUS]
Like it's inside, something searches...
As if it were struggling, as if it were sneaking away,
It wants to test this power.
Surely, somewhere there lies "the answer," the answer which was born,KIZUtsuku KOTO wa kowakunai dakedo keshite TSUYOkunai
That is what all people wish for,
Facing the dreary dream that they can't let go.
I'm not afraid of getting hurt, but it's not hard to erase.--
It's just the way it is without doing anything, and I don't want any regrets.
Here we go! go! Keep on running! No one will be able to stop us.
I want to give a reason for life to my future self.
HAKAri SHIrenai OOkina YAMIga
OTO o TAtete MUkatte KItte mo
ASA ga KIreba DAREka ga Ireba
KOKORO ni aru ZETSUBOU wakeseru
Don't know how big the darkness ismotto TSUYOku IMEEJI shite HOHOEnderu JIBUN o
It makes a sound, and I face it.
Morning comes, and someone's there...
It's in my mind, vanishing in despair...
I make a very strong image, and smile to myself...GOORU ni mo tare tarishinai tadoe, TADOriTSUitatte
Believe in those thoughts...
From what, from who, approaching the dream...
Head for my goal, even if I'm staggering...[ Repeat CHORUS ]
I want new dreams to break out from within me...
Here we go! go! Keep on running! No one will be able to stop us.
I want to give a reason for life to my future self.
"motto TSUYOku IMEEJI shite HOHOEnderu JIBUN o"
-> ' I make a very strong image, and
smile to myself...'
I wasn't sure how to translate it... I wasn't sure whether she was
talking about herself or this dark 'thing' she's singing about.
"GOORU ni mo tare tarishinai tadoe, TADOriTSUitatte"
-> ' Head for my goal, even if I'm staggering...'
There's probably a better way to translate that...
Sung by: Megumi Hayashibara
Transliterated / Translated by Ann Oyama and Andre Germain
Give a reason
目まぐるしい 時間の群れが
走り抜ける 都市(まち)はサバンナ
かわるがわる シュールなニュース
明日(あす)になれば 誰も忘れてる
生きている 今、生きている
そんな中で 何かを求め
もがくように 抜け出すように
この力を 試してみたくて
※きっとどこかに「答」ある 生まれてきた答が
やるせない のがせない 夢に向かうの
傷つく事は恐くない だけどけして強くない
ただ、何もしないままで 悔やんだりはしたくない
Here we go! go! 走り続ける 誰にも止められはしない
未来の自分へと Give a reason for life 届けたい
計り知れない 大きな闇が
音を立てて 向かって来ても
朝が来れば 誰かが居れば
心にある 絶望は消せる
もっと強くイメージして 微笑んでる自分を……
何よりも 誰よりも 夢に近づく
ゴールにもたれたりしない たとえ、辿り着いたって
新しい夢がきっと 私の背中押すから
Here we go! go! 走り続ける 誰にも止められはしない
未来の自分へと Give a reason for life 届けたい