Regenerating Shields

Regenerating Reactive Shields

There are some cases when the reactive shields you want to design for
a concept mech do not correspond with either reactive or ablative
reactive.  Instead they fall somewhere in the middle.  These are
shields that are ablative but can regenerate their effectiveness over
the course of the battle.

Shields are bought at a simple cost of 1(one) cp/space per ablative
stopping power of the shield.  The difference between the ablative
aspect of this system and screen ablative is that these SP can be
recharged by excess energy.  This energy can come from an energy pool
(aka excess maximum power reserves) or though the energy reactors.  SP
can be recharged on a 1sp per ep shunted to the system.  (Usually
requires an action to do so.)

Reactors, which are the same type as the ones in the Requires Energy
systems can be directly linked to the Regenerating Reactive Shields
(RRS now for short).  Reactors which are directly linked to the
shields, as in an actual subsystem of RRS, restore a number of SP as
they would produce in energy in a turn.  (Reactors are smart enough
not to overload the shields.)

Regenerating Shields cost 1cp/space per ablative stopping power.
Reactors/regenerators cost .5cp/spaces to re-charge 1sp per turn.

RRS's can use any of the multipliers other then ablative (They already
are.)  They ignore reset time because they do not 'blow' like regular
Reactive shields.  They just ablate power.  Weapon bursts and missile
barrages ablate the shields just like it would ablate ablative armor.
Otherwise they have the same vulnerabilities and strengths as other
reactive shields.

Shain Edge Eklypse1@Geocities.Com