Phase Mux Ideas

  1. Campaign Layout
  2. Basic Game System Outline
  3. The problem with using Palladium's System is that all of the skills start at varying levels of success even before the player's occupation is considered. This is where The Elflord's System comes into play. Every skill is based on a ability score. A simple math formula that takes in account the characters Ability and The level of the skill gives a bonus to a success role. It is a skill based system, not a level and class one. When a player creates a character, or uses a template of one, they basicly choose abilities, skills, disiplins and powers that they feel is nessicary for their character. It is also a point based system. You get a number of points and that will cover the resources you have to build your character.

    1. Ability Scores
    2. Skills
    3. Magic, Phase powers and Psionics
    4. Powers
    5. Weapons and Armor
    6. Combat

  4. Conversion From Palladium Books
  5. Conversion From R.Talsorian Games
  6. Conversion From Dream Pod 9