The Asiaphile's Homepage

Celebrating the Unique Attraction


Asian Women and Caucasian Men

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NOTE: This page is NOT a place to get a date, find a mail order bride, or view asian pornography. If you are interested in these things click HERE


This page is here to celebrate interacial dating, especially the interacial dating between asian women and white (caucasian men).  Few would doubt that this is the most common interacial couple; go to any college campus and you are likely to see a white man and asian woman together.  

More than ever white men and asian women are getting married,  

even (what will the neighbors say) having children.  Yet no one talks about this couple.  You only here juicy gossip from both races.

"Miles really likes those china-girls."

 "Keiko sold out...she must be a slut."

This site is here to say that the asian woman/white male couple is a good thing.  Let us celebrate it!


Reason 1: The internet is pathetic

Reason 2: White Men Aren't Sick

      Any white man who has a healthy attraction to an asian woman risks being stereotyped as having an asian fetish

      I date asian women about half the time.  When I am with an asian woman people think it is odd, or sick.  

      Why don't they think it is odd or sick when I am with a white woman?  The answer is simple: BIGOTRY!

Reason 3: Asian women aren't exotic sex objects

Is this a big deal?

Some people have said, "why make a big deal out of this?" They say it doesn't matter.  Well, they may have a point. It is not a big deal, but it is a deal. You have only to look at the comments in my guestbook to see the strong feelings people have on this subject. 


Race, which includes the way someone looks and acts is just one factor in choosing a mate. It is kind of like the spice in soup. If we eat the spice alone it is overpowering and unhealthy. If we add the spice to soup it makes the soup so much better. The soup of a relationship is a mutual love and respect of the inner person. If we dispense of the soup we are left with nothing of value. Different people like different spices.

For instance, some women like tall men. This is an outward thing, it says nothing about his heart or the way he will treat her. It is just spice.

How is this any different from a man prefering black hair and golden skin?

I say it is a factor in who we chose to love, one that cannot be ignored.  Like it or not, race is an issue in our love lives as well.  Maybe we should start looking at the interacial aspect as a positive thing.



This is a hard issue for me.  On the one hand I think we should accept people for who and what they are, and not prejudge them on their race.  On the other hand, our race is part of who we are; I will draw many generalizations on this page, each person is unique. No person is defined soley by their race.

Other Pages of Interest

A Thoughtful Paper on Interacial Dating: A student from Stanford gives her opinion
Asian Caucasian Issues: An Asian/Caucasian's thoughts on being half Chinese, half Australian
Profile of an Asiaphile: A rather amusing look at asiaphiles. I suspect this was written by an asian male. Sometimes humor sends a strong message...I don't agree with his message, but it is very witty.
The national review examines the issue: Here is another opinion I disagree with-- from the radical right wing of the conservative whites. When I contacted the writer it was apparant that he had only the flimsiest of research to back up hi
Male Order Brides: A feminist perspective on the mail order bride phenomena. What I like about this site is that she includes links to oppositional viewpoints.

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