Title Image
Manga image of Sailormoon
Konnichiwa! Watashi wa Raychel-Chan!
Welcome to Sailormoon Koz'mos!

It's been a while since I last updated my webpage. Sorry, my bad. ^^ I've been very busy with diploma's and midterms,.. and well.. school in general. But I am back to do a make over! ^_^

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Page Created: Feb.07.99
New Layout Added: July.06.99
Last Updated: Feb.02.00
This page was designed and created by Raychel aka Rei-Chan Please send all comments to her.

© 1999 Sailormoon Koz'mos; GreenSpeck™. All Rights Reserved.
Sailor Moon is copyrighted to Naoko Takeuchi, Toei Animation, Dic, and Kodansha. This site was made by a fan for the fans. Please send all questions, flames, and opinions to webmistress Raychel.
Be happy. Watch Anime.
Email all your questions and comments to Raychel.

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