Computer graphics is a media now becoming widely accepted as a form of art.
By harnessing the growing processing power of today's computers, we're moving into
animation of the virtual world. By combining texture realism and motion capture
technology, CG motion pictures are becoming more realistic.
In fact, RPG powerhouse Squaresoft has comlpeted a collosal quest to make the most realistic CG film ever. Using its flagship title "Final Fantasy", Square has produced the CG film that will set the standards for CG films to come... Final Fantasy
the movie is Squaresoft's much-anticipated venture onto the silver screen. Featuring
emotion capturing (through extensive study of facial expressions) and to be dubbed by famous
Hollywood actors, Final Fantasy the movie is a serious undertaking. Extensive research has been done to ensure that as much detail as possible is added, right down to the skin imperfections on a character's face.
At Square's Hawaii Headquarters, computers and programmers have worked continuously, dedicated to realizing the world of Final Fantasy: the Spirits Within. Just to sample what's in store for you, click on the eye below to see Square's job advertisement. Oh, and the eye really is CG.
At Square's Hawaii Headquarters, computers and programmers have worked continuously, dedicated to realizing the world of Final Fantasy: the Spirits Within. Just to sample what's in store for you, click on the eye to see Square's job advertisement. Oh, and it really is CG.
Who's your favorite virtual babe? Is it Rinoa? Jill? Quistis? or Aya? Vote here!
Virtual Babes
Visit the makers of Animation Master and browse through their extensive gallery, featuring CG competitions, movies, and
still art.
Hash, Inc.
Does this go to 3D Studio MAX?
3D Studio MAX