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Greetings, and welcome to my page. I am Zelgadis (call me Zel). The conception and purpose of this page is to provide many a viewer and otaku alike with information about many good anime series' without giving away spoilers about each of their plots! I really don't like it when I'm trying to get information about a series that I haven't seen, and I land on a page that gives away the ENTIRE PLOT without marking all the spoilers!! Well, this page is to provide the necessary information without giving away the story! Well, have fun, send feedback, and hope you like the page!!

Series Info:
Tenchi Muyo
The Slayers
Neon Genesis Evangelion
The Irresponsible Captain Tylor
El-Hazard: The Magnificant World
Oh My Goddess
Saber Marionette J
Record of Lodoss War
Other Stuff:
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Zel's Anime Collection
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