Hmm.. what to say?  Well, here is my meager homepage.  You've likely discovered this via another site, or found the link kicking around in your old 'friends sites' menu... either way, welcome.  I don't update terribly often, so if you need to see what's going on, drop me an e-mail.  Otherwise... head over to the About me page to learn stuff, or look at my other mini-pages.  ^^;

                                                                                   [Last time I updated was on September 7th,2005.]
Mail!!  MAIL!!! 
E-mail me!  Do you want me to die?  Then join the growing army of opposition!  I don't mind, really....

Though I'd still prefer good e-mails.
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A Tribute to my Brother.
About the SNES roleplaying game, Arcana.
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He is so freaking cute.  I've never seen the show or whatever, but... he reminds me of my Kiley. ^_^
Chris and I in our Garb.  Made by yours truly.
You are Traveler number:
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About me.
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My Costume Collection.