UPDATES (9 March 02)

Been a long time..I added pretty lots of stuffs today, from photodrawing pics to manga drawing...etc.. Leave ur comments in the guestbook..

UPDATES (15/7/01)

~I added some new pictures with colors. Tell me what you think.

UPDATES (14/6/01)

~I added Zhao Yun pictures, redrew it from a comic book with some modification, hope you all like it.

Updates (2/05/2001)

~Updates! Updates! Yai!! :) Ha, I finally managed to upload 3 more not so new pictures, hah.. One is pretty new, I swear. Just finished it last nite, its the photo drawing of my friend. The rest, I drew it like few months ago but havent put them up because of connection problems. Well, anyway, if you happen to read this, thats good. I plan to put up more interesting things in the future so stay tuned, if not then it's ok. I still have at least one regular visitor, haha.. (Which is me, if u wonder)

Updates (15/02/2001)

~Finally! I've uploaded the dragon for you, Hula, sorry its taking so long for this. Anyway, I hope u still need it :)

Updates (11/02/2001)

~Added 6 new pictures. Most are fantasy pics. I am registering for Elfwood, a fantasy site who will post ur artwork for free..

Updates (31/12/2000)

~I added The Artist, complete with a midi
~Been collecting some anime midis, so some pics will come with their own background music.
~Added guestbook too, pls sign it if u have time..

Updates (30/12/2000)

~I changed the outlook, ahaha...finally. Thanks to a friend who said "ur page needs improvement" or something like that..
~Added midi too, this one from DNA2, love that anime..
~Some pics coming soon. Hula pls be patient, ur dragon is coming
~Last but not least, Merry Christmas, Selamat Hari Raya and Happy New Year to all of u out there !! >^_^<

Updates (13/12/2000)

~I added 6 new pics. More pics to come.
~Link for each pic now will appear in pop up window.
~For the time being, just click on the link to see the pic.

Angel Battle Vice Mature
English Archer Swordman Sweet Girl in Blue
Fighter Girl Girl in Bed Mad Girl? Helve
A Lady Dream Girl The Samurai Self Portrait
Stephanie Warrior Yari Berserker
The Artist After Battle Forbidden Love Gargoyle
Sol Bianca Sol Bianca 2 War Goat Wood Golem/Thorn Hulk
Chinese Dragon Fonny Vivian Hsu Rub a dub dub
Zhao Yun Squall Leonhart Rinoa Monkeys
Rover Girl Fairy Amaterasu Boy
Couple Dream Girl 2 Guy Hime
Ilona The Iroquois The Iroquois 2 Face
Nosveratu Cutie Alicia Silverstone Wolf Commander

(This is not my art, btw. stole it from some site..eheh.)

(Background music:"Blurry Eyes" DNA2 anime)

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