Gallery: Cards

Now, these pictures are mine, and if I get any complaints that I have stolen someone else's, they will merely be ignored. If you want these pictures on your site, tell me, and link to either this gallery or the gallery index. If you take them without asking, I will be very annoyed, so expect lots of hate mail... (You might as well ask, it won't hurt, and I won't forbid taking them.)

Anyway, these are all the cards with Shinji on them! From one set anyway. I can get some more, but you'll have to be patient... *grin*. Do enjoy! Oh, sorry, this'll probably take years to load... *gulp*

Qclub.jpg (10058 bytes) Kdiamond.jpg (11152 bytes) 7club.jpg (15557 bytes)
Aclub.jpg (11365 bytes) Qheart.jpg (10501 bytes) 2heart.jpg (11337 bytes)
5club.jpg (13729 bytes) Kspade.jpg (10344 bytes)

3club.jpg (9356 bytes)

Aheart.jpg (9139 bytes) 4club.jpg (11484 bytes) 8diamond.jpg (11090 bytes)
10diamond.jpg (12192 bytes) joker.jpg (10916 bytes) 5spade.jpg (12155 bytes)
Qdiamond.jpg (13924 bytes) joker2.jpg (15187 bytes) 2club.jpg (14997 bytes)
3heart.jpg (11984 bytes) 8spade.jpg (10728 bytes) 9spade.jpg (11602 bytes)
Jspade.jpg (12320 bytes) 6heart.jpg (15488 bytes) 7spade.jpg (12467 bytes)
4spade.jpg (13790 bytes) 4diamond.jpg (13273 bytes)

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