the following articles are pieces i wrote for
a friend's zine, poisyn.
for the most part these aren't realy my views,
and it was mainly me venting and blowing smoke out my ass for the editor.
(her big thing was trying to get a rise out of
people _especially_ with the zine.)
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by independ@nt
Well....Lets see what we have to say....The other night I met this girl on the net, plugging away for contributors for a zine I've never heard of, who wanted articles about porn....Nothing in particular about it, just about it....
At first I was thinking of writing a porn story, but it's been done before and probably far better then I could do anyway...I could've written about the porn industry in general, but I'm sure you already know about it to some extent regardless of your opinion on it....
In real life I can barely get up the courage to say "Hi" to girls, none the less ask them out...Then when I can, I usually find out rather shortly there after that it couldn't work between us for whatever reason....boyfriend, married, girlfriend, or that i just get to be friends with them....I find out that they're human and not just sex objects....
The few I've been intimate with have instilled a lot of fears in me....Will I be good enough? (Don't laugh) What if I can't get it up? Am I big enough? Is she enjoying it?........
What if she gets pregnant?....
I'll admit, yes, porn is one of my vices...There's just something about seeing beautiful women nude that does it for me....I'm not going to waste your time telling you what I do with porn, I think you can figure that one out for yourself.....But I think the main reason I enjoy porn is because I'm afraid of women.
With real women I find all they want is everything. They want you to be their defender, their confidant, a crutch for them......They eventually find your fears, like being alone or having kids, and play off them until you hurt all the time and are dead inside.....Until you're just another possession....
The beauty of porn is here are gorgeous women who are there and will do anything you want as long as you can imagine it. All you have to do is pop the video into the machine or open the pages and there she is...Writhing around for you, showing herself off, willing to be anything for you......No strings, no rejection, no commitment, no fear, no reality
no way to hurt you.
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by independ@nt
I want to say I'm an anarchist but truth be told I don't much believe in it. Don't get me wrong, I think it would be a brilliant system, or lack there of, of government. I just don't think it could ever work just because people are people. If we tried to give this kind of system a good shot at working I think it would just degenerate into chaos. People quite frankly can't deal with not having their minds made up for them.
Actually that's why I don't really believe in communism either. Originally the idea was for the government to be around long enough for things to get going smoothly, then for government to fade out and basically turn into anarchy. Once again since people are people....well we all know how that went....
Same goes with democracy, the parliamentary system, theocracy, feudalism....they're all good ideas but they always fail because of human nature (If you don't believe me about democracies failing, look at Rome and compare it to the American system....Why, is that barbarian hordes i hear?)
I'm not a big fan of talking the end i find it's basically all moot points....because for all the idealism and all the pretty dreams on what Utopia always seems to come down to the fact that humans are imperfect creatures.
Which is what brings me to what I'm getting at, what the world needs is a good totalitarian regime.....I mean besides the fact that they are sharp dressers and love a good pair of boots, it gives the people what they need. If nothing else, most of the world, weather they want to believe it or not are sheep and need clear direction. And in the end what else says "Ack swine!! You will do this and like it!!!" the way a good jackboot to the head will.
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Idiot Savant
Guest Writer: independ@nt
I feel a storm coming.....
I find the more I learn about the world the more I withdraw from it...... It used to be that I just didn't watch the evening news.... But now I find more and more I can't deal with most media..... All it seems like is more of the same..... Who got killed, what burned down, who's lying.... Real life has been having the same effect on me too..... All the people want is carnage and petty conflicts.... It's sickening really...... Even my last refuge from reality, the net, is doing it to me..... All I can see now is the same snotty bickering that everyone does in real life.....
Here's a happy thoughts for you...... I recently saw a report, I think it was on CNN, where they were interviewing a representative from the defence department. This general, or whatever his rank was said something to the effect that because the defence department was having problems fixing the millennium Bug that, and this part clearly etched itself in my memory, there was a chance that a few nuclear weapons could "go off in their silos."...... Something to think about living less then ten miles from a naval weapons base....
Speaking of nuclear weapons, a Russian general recently took an inventory on the soviet stockpile... The end results were that a few small warheads.... Suitcase sized ones to be exact........ Were missing....
You ever notice that most wars start over money?..... Revolutionary War (taxation without representation).... Civil War (taxation.... You didn't think South Carolina walked out of the Union because of the anti slavery movement did you?)....... World War II (Germany wanted out of debt from WWI)....... Also did you ever notice that on average this country usually has a good war about every 20 years...... If I'm recalling correctly the last good one was almost 30 years ago (and no Desert Storm doesn't count.... It was an overrated police action)
We're in an interesting age.... Right now if a major war (I'm not talking a little candy ass thing like Desert Storm here) were to break out we couldn't produce weapons fast enough replace the combat losses or train the men to use them... It's an idea known as a "come as you are war"....... It's the idea that all you would have for the entire conflict is what you start it with..... I've heard odds that after about three weeks there would be no choice but to surrender or use nukes....
What bothers me is what's happening in the world..... A lot of countries are running out of money fast..... Unemployment is starting to rise globally..... Yeah, on our happy little island it's not really affecting anything yet.....
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To Be or Not to Be, Gay is the Question
by indepnd@nt
...I got to live for a day as a gay man in a round about sort of way...Or was it I got to live for a day as a straight man......
A few years back the girl I was dating at the time was bi and seriously involved with a gay rights group. One day she asked if I wanted to go with her to a convention they were holding about issues facing the gay community. I figured since I was friends with few of the people she was going with I'd go for the hell of it. At the worst it was going to be a day out (bad pun, no treat...) with friends.
By the end of the day I had an idea what it was like for gay people in a straight society. I consider myself pretty accepting of gays, although I would say I'm straight. I know I'm not gay because, well to put it bluntly I like pussy too much....just something about girls that I can't get enough of. Now I'll be willing to put forth the idea that I could be bi, but I doubt it. I would think that in 23 years of life I would have found at least one guy who does it for me, but well, I haven't yet.
What I found at this convention were hundreds of couples who loved each other, shared their lives, had jokes between themselves, laughed, ate together...All the normal stuff hetero-couples do.....It just so happened they loved their own sex. (As a side note, not to be mean or anything, but that thing about gays being good cooks is CRAP. The food was terrible at best.)
Being the only one there who's partner wasn't the same sex as themselves, or at least who hadn't experienced that...was strange. I mean you start to wonder if there's something wrong with you....and this is only after a few hours. Something that kinda tweaked me was the straight jokes. Seeing as no one except for those I came with knew I was straight, there seemed no problem telling the straight jokes the way most people would tell gay jokes....Kinda stuck the proverbial knife in and twisted it. Now I'm not getting on the gays for being hypocrites about sexual jokes...Hypocrisy is a very human trait....
.....which is convenient since they are human...
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Net Theory
Life isn't real for me anymore....Things just don't strike me as making much sense....It's kinda like living in an episode of MASH....You know the way that Peirce is involved in all these minor schemes that in the end get him nowhere but keep him in his usual semblance of sanity....That's what life strikes me as....
I get afraid that I might turn into one of these old people who think that TV is life.....The one ones who talk about things that happened to them and you think "That sounds like a show I saw once"....They can't separate fantasy and reality....You know the ones I mean...They're usually the ones who have like fifty cats and who smell like a kennel but they remember when they used to make Wally and the Beaver their lunches....
The idea of living like that scares me...
That's all the net is really....It's just this decades version of TV....Most people can separate life from the net and know the difference.....but I've seen a few spiral to their destruction....It's like passing a car crash on the highway.....You feel sorry for them, but you just can't peel your eyes away from the wreckage...
The difference on the net is you're the star....It's not anymore real then the cat lady's memories but it's actually you being the main character.....Andy Warhol would have been proud..
I've been trying to stay away from it all lately....It's
almost like being one of the walking dead without the net once you’re
addicted....I'm having trouble separating the
lines anymore....
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Fuck V-Day!
Fuck all the lovers in the world. How dare they have the utter nerve to have a holiday specifically set up to make everyone else in the world miserable?.....Bad enough I'm single but the last thing I want is a bunch of ass holes getting bugs up their collective ass about how great it is to be with someone else.....You know what love got me in the last year?...Fucked square up the ass.
This year I finally opened my eyes to how my ex,
princess grace, was abusing the piss out of me for the last three and a
years. First off the whole time we were going
out there was the constant cheating on me she did. This isn't to say she
didn't do
other things, like manipulate me with constant
suicide threats, constantly lie to me to the point where I still have no
idea if any of what she said to me was true, the biweekly pregnancy scare
she used to throw at me even if she was on the rag, and the way she completely
managed to alienate all of my friends.
The way I figure it she slept with six other girls that I know of while she was saying she loved me. But I let it slide. At least if it was other girls I knew she wasn't going to blame me for some other guy getting her pregnant. I even went along with it when she wanted to talk about what the other girls were like in bed when we were fucking. Even that was tolerable....But she fucked like old people drive, besides which she was a selfish bitch in bed. I think the last straw was really when she wanted me to keep love letters from them for her.
And if princess grace is out there reading this
I have something to say to her.....You treated me like the cold heartless
bitch you are, you were a shit lay, and to top it all off your poetry is
all tired, trite, utterly worthless, clichéd shit.
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Drugs for Kids
Children need to be more heavily drugged.
As both an educator and a civilian, I see this upcoming generation as a
bunch of violent, untrainable, shallow savages. They have a complete lack
of discipline and no fear of authority. In the long run, I think it would
do them a great deal of collective good if they all found a strong narcotic
and played "day out at Jim Jones' summer camp." Unfortunately, since this
isn't likely to happen, I suppose it should be left up to the psychiatric
community to take care of the problem.
I feel what caused this whole problem is that
the parents are just as vacant as their children are. Since the parents
weren't able to raise their kids due to a lack of their own brain cells,
they should at the very least have the decency to have their children permanently
sedated (or put on leashes) so they don't cause the rest of the community
harm through their overall stupidity and violent tendencies.
What would be needed would be something that would keep them just as stupid as they are now, except docile too...something like Ritalin but with a little more punch. We could turn them into something similar to "Rainman," but without the math skills.
This would leave us with a good sized community of zombies - but never fear, this is not as big a problem as you might think. Finding good, unskilled labor to do menial tasks such as fast food work, garbage disposal or ditch digging is always in high demand. We just apply all of our zombie youth the these tasks which frees us up. This in turn allows us to teach children who have more to offer how to handle much more dignified lines of work.
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