HN:LU >> Webring
Come together...

The webring was created for fellow Human Nature fans to come together and show their support for Human Nature. Show your support for the band and proudly show that you will stand up for them no matter what...that's Love Unconditional!

You must have a website currently in operation on the Internet. It does not have to be dedicated to Human Nature, it can just be a personal website. As long as it mentions somewhere on your site that you're a Human Nature supporter, you have a good chance of getting in!
One thing I don't want in the ring, though, is swearing, racism, narrow-mindedness, sexism, hompohobia etc. So if you have any of that clearly displayed on your website...sorry, dude, you'll have to fix it up before you can even THINK about joining!

Click here to sign soon as you're finished, you're in the Queue. I will review your site and then decide whether or not you can be accepted into the ring!

Once you're done signing up to the queue, all you have to do on your website is display this HTML fragment. Right-click on your screen, select View Source (or View+Source), scroll down a bit and you'll find it. That instruction is for people who have JavaScript turned on. If you don't, scroll up to View, then Source, and copy the code from there. If you can't find it or are having troubles viewing it, simply let us know and we will send you a copy of the code!

When you get the code, you'll have to make a few edits - eg. insert your site ID etc. MAKE SURE YOU DO THIS! When it's all done, your ring should look like this:

Human Nature:Love Unconditional

Human Nature:Love Unconditional

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Yes, the picture featured in the Webring is outdated. Some new pictures for use on the ring will be created and uploaded whenever time permits!

If you've got a few questions you'd like to ask, or are having trouble submitting your site to the ring, putting the HTML fragment in etc., don't hesitate to E-Mail me...i'm always here to help!