Jay Dearien

Educational Background

Work Experience

June 2008 - April 2009
Project Manager, IT Analyst Cisco Systems, Tokyo, Joho Technologies, Tokyo.

April 2005 - May 2008
Graduate Studies at the University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho, USA. Invention and production of educational mathematical board game, So-Soo-Yoo. Projectionist, general staffer at Kenworthy Performing Arts Center.

March 2002 - March 2005
Entrepreneurial activities.

October 1996 - February 2002
Technical Project Leader Buena Vista International, Tokyo, Japan. Design and development of multi-lingual systems on Oracle and Windows NT in a multi-lingual environment. Supervised roll-out of Japan-developed system to Australia in January 1999. Also supervised reload/upgrade of HP/UX and Sybase server in April 1998.

September - October 1996
Globalmedia Inc, Consultant at ING Barings Japan, Tokyo. Teknekron support. Unix administration on SUN. Documented operational procedures on intranet web server while supporting Teknekron data replication as part of a rotating 24-hour cover.

August 1995 - August 1996
Data Base & Unix Administrator Goldman Sachs Japan, Ltd., Tokyo. Sybase on SUN. Supported a network of about 30 client and server machines running about a dozen Sybase servers. DNS, NIS, Zmail, Autosys, Applix, Lotus and WordPerfect for Unix.

June 1993 - July 1995
Data Base & Unix Administrator, Applications Developer Nu Skin Japan, Tokyo. Oracle7 on HP-UX and SUN. 100+ users on SQL*Forms 3.0. Designed, wrote, and supported SQL*Forms, PL/SQL, and Pro*C applications in a bilingual environment.

September 1992 - June 1993
Unix & Data Base Consultant Siemens Nuclear, Washinton State; Sprint, Washington, D.C.; Newmont Gold, Nevada; etc.

November 1991 - Summer 1992
Unix & Data Base Consultant Omaha Public Power District, Migrated SQL*Forms-based applications from IBM VM to Unix workstations. Wrote data base and system backup scripts, consulted about networking and X terminals. Helped to install and implement new software to allow users to access Oracle on Unix using IBM 3270 terminals.

Oracle Corporation
April 1990 - September 1991
Unix Systems Administrator, Data Base Administrator, Applications Developer Administered HP 9000/870s, Sequent S81s and two Oracle*Mail data bases serving some 200 users. Wrote data base and system backup scripts & performed data base recoveries. Developed inventory & personnel tracking application on SQL*Forms 3.0. Participated in moving Oracle's data center to a new building. Migrated a large Sequent S81 from Dynix to Dynix/psx (POSIX). Set up an Oracle data base on IBM VM.

January 1989 - April 1990
Data Base Administrator Administered Oracle's production financial data base on Sequent Symmetry. Wrote SQL & shell scripts for backups, administration, and security. Performed data base reloads and recoveries from hot backup. Supported over 500 users of Oracle*Financials, Unix and X.

1987 & 1988
Computer Programmer/Software Designer Scientech, Inc., Idaho Falls, Idaho. Designed, programmed, and helped to demonstrate a graphically-oriented data base application to be marketed in the nuclear power industry.

1987 - 1988
Translator Ecole Polytéchnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland. Translated several chapters of a book on Artificial Intelligence from French to English.
Computer Science Course Grader, Carnegie-Mellon University, Marked homeworks and programs for a 200-level Computer Science class.

1983 - 1984
Computer Programmer/Reference Assistant, EG&G Services, Inc., Idaho Falls, Idaho. Assisted in development of a hospital data base application and retrieved documents from the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (INEL) Technical Library.


Travel in China, Japan, Europe, North America, Israel, Egypt.

Juggling, pottery, study of foreign languages.

Special Skills

Computer Languages
C, SQL, PL/SQL, Bourne and C Shell Script, Pascal, BASIC, Lisp, Assembly Language, FORTRAN, Oracle Developer/2000
Operating Systems
Unix, WindowsXP & NT, MS-DOS, OS/2, RSTS/E, VM, and Macintosh
Human Languages
English, French, Japanese, Spanish (all fluent), German
Et Cetera
Touch-typing, certified massage therapist, motion picture projectionist

Updated: March 31, 2009 1