Irish Employee Test The Boss did not want to hire an Irishman. He also did not want to get in to any trouble for discrimination. So he devised a test for Mick, which the Boss was sure Mick would fail... The test began with the Boss sitting opposite Mick, who had a pencil and paper in front of him. The Boss said "With out using numbers, represent the number nine." Mick thought for a minute, then drew three trees on the page in front of him. "What's that?" asked the Boss. "Tree and tree and tree is nine." said Mick. "O.K." said the Boss "using the same rules, show me the number ninety nine." Mick thought for a minute and then smudged each tree. "How's that ninety nine?" Demanded the Boss. "Well, " said Mick, "each tree is now dirty. So dirty tree, dirty tree, and dirty tree make ninety nine." The Boss is getting worried... "O.K., same rules, now show me one hundred." Mick took his time to think about this one, but finally he drew a little line next to each tree. "There you go, I got it." said Mick "One hundred." The Boss is stunned. "How the hell do you get one hundred out of that?" he demanded. Mick said "Well, you see, a little dog came along and did a little poo next to each tree. So, dirty tree and a turd, dirty tree and a turd, and dirty tree and a turd, makes one hundred."