Otaku Radio Vancouver


Due to site relocation, Otaku Radio Vancouver is temporarly off the air, but we will be back soon!

Tenchi & Shinji

Otaku Radio Vancouver is the Internet radio talk show about Japanese Animation. Most People refer to Japanese Animation as Anime (An-knee-may) because that is the term for "Cartoons" in Japan. Anime is a main source of programming on Japanese Television which is why most Anime are in episodes. Some Anime never aired on Japanese Television but are only found in video stores, These are called OVA or OAV (Original Version Anime) which are special direct to video episodes. Most all Anime released in North America is straight to video but some such as Dragonball Z, Sailor Moon, Ronin Warriors and Pokémon mark the most recent North American television releases. Anime series such as these have turned many otherwise normal human beings into Otaku. Otaku is an insult from the Japanese which means "freak", "weirdo", and so forth. When a normal person asks about Anime and finds out it is Japanese cartoons and that Anime fans would rather watch Japanese than North American cartoons they find that a little wierd. So the word "Otaku" was adopted by North Americans to describe the Anime fans as a group, thus changing it's Anime meaning to "an obsessed Anime fan". Otaku, such as myself, are devoted fans and attend Anime conventions, make Anime costumes, music videos and webpages. And to futher the list, I have created this radio show. Otaku Radio Vancouver uses the Realplayer program, (goto http://www.real.com if you don't have it), the show will not run without it. The Hosts Tenchi and Shinji are not responsiple for a loss of interest in a series, uncontolable laughter, twitching when you say "SUGOI!!", or acts of attempted suiside from all the bad jokes. And now the legal stuff... Otaku Radio Vancouver is a non-profit organization and the only things that keep it going are the Otaku who listen, our often empty wallets and our undiminishing love of Anime. Otaku Radio Vancouver is produced by Fans for Fans and is to remain free to all Otaku.

  © 1999-2000 Otaku Radio Vancouver. No rights reserved.