11.04.00 Can you believe it? Two months exactly and NO updates whatsoever...but like I said, High School is the work of the devil ;-;! BUT! Thanksgiving Vacation is coming up so that will give me some time to wrap things up. And my computer has been on the fritz the last week and hasn't let me signed on. >:/ ...AOL no baka...

09.04.00 Well, I supposed it would happen sooner or later, but it has come sooner than I thought it would. I've lost all interest in Sailormoon. Well, I actually lost interest in the show awhile ago, but I wanted to finish the page before I got completely fed up with the page as a whole. I'm going to try to get some things finished, and then after that, it will probably be a static page. I'm so sorry, but I want to move on to other things.

08.13.00 I finally got the character information for Princess Kakyuu and the Starlights up. Why am I working on relatively minor characters instead of getting the senshi done first? I have no idea. x.x

08.12.00 Once school started (on August 8 FYI ^.^;;), I was hoping to work on my page after school. It isn't exactly woring out that way. I get up at 5:00 a.m. - a brutal adjustment from summer-sleep-all-days, don't get home until 4:00 pm (at this point I am thoroughly exhausted), do homework, eat dinner, do more homework, and at about this time being up and working since 5:00 am catches up with me and I finally hit the sack around 9:30. Can you believe it? I haven't been to bed by 9:30 for about 4 years.
Erm...oh yeah, updates! Heehee ^.^;; Well, I am working on the characters still. It is becoming very tedious and I think I'm gonna puke up Pretty Soldiers. x.x okay, that was gross, but true. ^.~ Layout for the characters. Finished scanning finally (actually, Andry did ^.^ Sankyo Andry-chan!) and all that is eft now is to buttonize them, which I will probably work on tonight. That's about all . . .

08.06.00 New layout - I love the picture of Minako-chan ^.^ I have been writing character sketches for the profiles because although I've known that just profiles is boring, I haven't had the motivation to write character sketches until now. :9 School starts in two days. Blah. X.x I've completed a lot of the mythology section. And here are a list of projects I am working on:
    A shrine to Shippou-chan from Inuyasha - an original shrine too. :o At last look their weren't any Shippou shrines on the web.
    Status: 10% Completed

    Omake! Omake!
    A large bonus section for Neon Genesis Evangelion. I've already collected several fanworks, sounds, music, lyrics, winamp skins, etc.
    Status: 15% Completed

    Asian Pop Reviews
    A site dedicated to bringing reviews of J-Pop, Cantopop, Mandapop, K-Pop, and Anime Soundtracks.
    Status: 45% Completed

    A Shrine to Sesshoumaru-sama from Inuyasha - the sexiest bishounen in the world!
    Status: 1% Completed

    Within the walls of Moon Crystal Palace . . .
    I am writing character sketches for the profile section, and will be adding in other characters I haven't featured before such as the cats, the Starlights, etc.
    I am in the process of putting up a mythology section, but there are a lot of characters to cover, so it's taking longer than expected.
    I might be adding in a Computer Goodies section to have stuff like Winamp/ICQ Skins, Wallpaper, etc.
    Status: 35% Completed