Arigusawa Juri, the fencing team captain, is the only girl member of the student council. She's the secretary. In the Student Council Saga, she fought one duel, the duel of love (amour). She fought this duel because she didn't believe in miracles. Durin gthe duel she constantly critizied Utena and told her to get rid of the rose seal. Juri doesn't believe in miracles becuaseher friend, Shoiri, took away a guy that she liked. The duel ends in a cool way. Juri knocks Utena's sword out of her hands and is about to cut off her rose when the sword falls from (supposedly) the floating castle and cuts off Juri's rose. We see the sword fall into the ground and the rose slide down it. Also it cuts through a picture (remember that?) Well I put my tape on slow, and the picture is of Shoiri and the guy kissing while Juri sits in a chair (very lady like) with Shiori covering her eyes. Very cool. Also about Shiori, she always wondered what Juri kept in her locket. Later, in the Black Rose Saga, Shiori finds out its none other than herself.

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