We bow down to the Fushigi Yuugi gods...
...I love all the Suzaku Sei, but Chichiri is my all fave
Chichiri, and with a big passion...
Nuriko is my ultimate favorite
Miboshi... or Ashitare. It's a tie.
Put Nakago, Miboshi, Ashitare, Soi, Tomo, & Suboshi into a blender and there you have it
The whiny, "everyone has to protect me because I'm your princess", Miaka. *Picks up a stick to hit her with*
Miboshi. What was the point of him?
I loathe Tomo...he seriously needs sex, he has no life
When Nuriko dies. And when Chiriko dies... and Mits... and Hoto...
I cried in almost every dying scene, but the most tissue needing one is Hotohori's death. They made it last so long and he's so hot! (Gomen, M-chan) It's just not fair!
...*sniff* when Chichiri tried to stop Mits from killing himself...and when...he was reunited with Hikou! In the...OVA...
In the OVA's, where Hotohori is united with his son after death
I cried so much when Nuriko died!!! Honestly!
Um, when Tasuki's horse is beating the crud out of him.
I'd have to think about that. Oh! At the beginning when Tama and Miaka were thrown into the dungeon and Miaka blew a big bubble and it popped and she scared the guard and Tama ran into the wall from being so scared! I laughed my butt off!!
Tough choice...probably when Tasuki was drunk and he was a dragon fly and Chichiri was TRYING to talk serious, and when Tama-chan was gonna throw Tasuki over the side of the ship! *Laughs non-stop*
All the Tamahome/Taiitsukun exchanges
When Nuriko sends a huge snowball at Tamahome's head, hehe!
Nakago is my main man, but KOJI IS A GOD.
I like Tokaki and Subaru's awesome!
Chichiri, notice a pattern? And KOJI!
Tamahome (he turns evil!)
What? What is a bishonen? Sorry I don't know
I would like to be Tasuki.
I would like to be Miaka, but with my personality and taller. Man to have all those hot guys going after me...yeah. And I would want to be Chichiri's fiance' but not kill myself.
Koji, so I can talk with the Osaka comedy! *Hello who is it!?*
Taitsukun. I always want to be the old, wise, powerful-as-hell women
Miaka...what could be better than a bunch of hot guys being forced to protect me?
Miaka. (2) I can't make myself write her name again...
Emperor Bob
Miboshi...what an evil little dude..
Um...I don't know. I mean every show needs to have its bad guys, ya know?
Nakago. Just to make my friend very angry! *Laughs quietly...*
Miaka'd lose in about five seconds
Miboshi. Why does that little gremlin thing even exist?
Star Wars.
Princess Bride.
Wayne's World
Sailor Moon!! Ha ha, that would be funny.
That is a hard one...ya' got me.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
I don't have pictures plastered every where, but i have millions of pictures of mostly the Suzaku Shichiseishi
Suzaku no Miko...AH! Fooled ya'! Chichiri-san!
All the Suzaku Seishi, and Yui (I think Yui is cool!!)
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