
Richard Grayson ‘78

Well for those of us in Texas, specifically in the Houston area here is a thought. Last night I got a mail from Corwin Boake ('71 - who lives in Pearland) suggesting that we HKISer's in the Houston area get together for a reunion dinner! I am definitely interested and would enjoying seeing old and newfriends alike. Please let either Corwin ( ) or myself( know. If nothing else being flamed by Dave Kohl will at least bring us together and we can contemplate which state he will flame next week.

Cathy SMITH Caviness ‘75 and
Deborah SMITH ‘80

Hello everyone!

Most of you have already heard about the HKIS reunion that my sister,Cathy, and I are planning for next year, but some of you haven't. So, here are the basic details:

Who: All classes, meaning anyone who ever attended or worked at HKISand their families

When: July 4th weekend, 2000 (Friday, June 30th, leaving Wednesday,July 5th)

Where: Washington, DC

What: Fun, games, people

The plan is to have the main events on Saturday and Sunday, with a free day Monday and the Folklife Festival on the Mall and fireworks over the Washington Monument on Tuesday, the 4th. We realize that everybody will not be able (or want) to stay until Tuesday,but we thought it would be fun to try!

SO, you're asking: "how do I find out more information?" Well, Ifinally got off my duff and created a web page to answer that question... There's not much there now, but we will be updating it as information becomes available. So, check it out and bookmark it for future reference:

In addition to the reunion information, I'm also including any appropriate links in which I think you guys might be interested (e.g.the HKIS Alumni home page).

Please let me know if you have any suggestions for improvement and please keep sending me email or snailmail address updates! I'm looking forward to hearing from you and/or seeing you next year!

Jonathan SLATON ‘72

Everyone -It has been wonderful reading all of the memories that you all have been sending out. I urge you all to attend the DC reunion if you can - It is wonderful to get back in contact with friends who have shared experiances.

You should be aware, however, that these reunions can cause more signigicant changes to your life than you might think.

As a result of our attending the Mile High Reunion:Jonathan Slaton and Barbara Stone Fehler accounce that they are engaged to be Married, on or about the 24th of June, 2000.

We DO plan to be at the DC reunion, however. I hope you will forgive us if we seem a bit distracted.....

Jim HAMEL ‘84

Greetings Judi and all!

My sister Lisa HAMEL Macdonald did give me the "heads up" on this little dragonchain project. I think it's a great idea.

Alas, I am but a mere child (33 yrs. old)!! Most of you, from what I can gather, are the"big kids" on the other floors of the school who used to terrorize us and kick us out of the elevator (after we had pushed all the buttons!!)

I was at HKIS from '74 to '81, had a great 7 1/2 yr. run. Think about it all the time. The experience is inseperable from who I am today!

I took the opportunity to return 2X. Once in '88 and once in '93. Both were great trips.I want to advise you older kids that my class, the class of '84 will be gathering in NYC for our 15 yr. Reunion. however, it is open to anyone who would like to attend.

The dates are October 8th, for cocktails and fun at the "Heartland Brewery" in Union Square. October 9th, 7:30 dinner at the "City Crab" restaurant located on 19th St. and Park Ave.(The price for dinner is $100. That price includes a $25 donation tothe HKIS Alumni Association).

Anyone interested or available is welcome to come.
Just get in touch with me and let me know.
My email and my phone # is 201-587-1608 Judi PORTER Rower ‘75

Hi Jonathan and Barbara,
NO WAY!!!!! I can't believe it! And to think, we were there to witness the "first kiss".

For those of you who missed it...After dinner one night, we went to a club called "Polly Esther" It's a 70's theme club so we went to enjoy a little retro music. At first we went downstairs which was packed with college age kids who were all singing along with the music at the top of their lungs. And they were all songs none of us had ever heard of! We kept looking at eachother as if to say "is this the 70's YOU remember???"

But it turns out that the 70's music was UPstairs and we were DOWNstairs. When we found out, a few drinks later, we moshed and stumbled up to the second floor. Much better. BeeGees mural on the wall, Saturday night fever on the TV monitor, and Partridge Family memorabilia everywhere. We had entered the land of K.C. and the Sunshine Band

There was a bus, or rather the shell of a bus painted to look like the "Partridge Familymobile" in one of the back corners. We took it over. It was outside that bus, (as the rest of us watched from our position, hanging out the windows) that Barbara and Jonathan had their first kiss.

See what you miss when you don't go to these reunions??

Congratulations to you both!


oh my goodness!! that is great - congratulations! hope to see you at the DC reunion
let me know if you are coming to hawaii for your honeymoon

Ann, i don't know you because i left hk in 1969 - i would have been class of '72 anyway, i also live in hawaii - much for the same reason - the food and people have a lot more asian in them than on the mainland US. give me a call - maybe we can organize a hkis reunion here in hawaii for year 2001 aloha,

Howard HSU ‘78

Hi Gabe,I'm home sick today and I left your email to me at work. I didn't have braces, but you got the rest right. I'm trying to remember what you looked like. My cursed old age!

There are quite a few alumni in the LA. I know the whereabouts in LA of Erick Eichelberger, Tanya Novak, Donna, Rose,Steve, and Lisa Miller (they transferred to Island School), Alan Clarke.

Ike knows a few more. Maybe we should have a mini reunion. Thanks for the offer of your yearbook. I'd love to get together and refresh the old memory cells. Our kids might get a kick out of it. Let me know.

Melissa PRESTON Sansing ‘75

Aloha HKIS-ers! If you do work on an island reunion for 2001, you can count me in!

I know there are many west coast alumni that would probably be interested as well, with such good rates on airfare and hotels. Not to mention it's wonderful to be in Hawaii for ANY reason (we'll be ringing in the new Millenia in Waikiki!) and that alone brings out those of us who could use a vacation as well as a chance to catch up on the last quarter of a century!!! (yes, it HAS been that long!)

Melissa (Preston) would have been class of '75, but I left in '74... (oh no,not time to move AGAIN...)


okay let's do it (organize an HKIS reunion in hawaii for the year 2001)to all who may attend -what time of year works best? winter school break? spring break? summer (june?) or fall?

anyone else out there in hawaii who would like to be on the planning committee? let's set the first planning meeting at my house (kailua, ohau) sometime soon (october/november) as soon as we get some response as to who will help organize - bring your ideas!

Christian MYERS ‘76

I would be interested but can only make it in late fall, winter. Spring/summer is our busy season up here in beauitful Central Oregon.


Hey--I live in Hawaii... This is the first time anyone's suggested a reunion in a place and time that were convenient (and affordable) for me! I'd love to help with the planning.
P.S. I definitely remember the Chicken Fat Song (though I also remember skipping most of my gym classes).

Melissa PRESTON Sansing ‘75

Well...... when I suggested Hawaii, I thought I would not get any replies...too cool. I will be in Honolulu for New Years' Eve (through the 6th). If any of you lucky folks who live there or will be joining us there as one of the last places onearth to click the clock to midnight 2000 in Waikiki (BIG Party planned, lots of bands, fireworks, fun!) and are interested in getting together to talk reunion,Ican be reached at the Ocean Resort Hotel, Waikiki (last place with a room with aview available for the Millennia celebration...we lucked out last minute people that we are!) from Dec. 30th through the 6th...let me know.

I am currently putting together a reunion in Hawaii for next summer (on Kauai, in Poipu, anyone who wants to drop in please feel welcome!) for Brent School Baguio's class of '75. I am discovering that there is at least one person who went to Brent who's sister went to HKIS, so they will be coming from 2 worlds to meet people who will no longer be strangers when the week is over.

We are going to be there Aug.7th to Aug. 12th,2000 and I have info. for any interested. Hope to hear from you!

Tim HARVEY ‘74

I think it'd be a blast! It seems the hard part is reaching critical to get enough people to go to get enough people to go to get enough people to go.

Somewhere back down the road last week someone mentioned that it really makes a difference if some teachers are at these things, too. I'd sure love to see Mr. Westrick, Mr. Zimmerman (I wonder if he still wears a flat top haircut?), Mrs. Prechtl, Mr. Prout, and others...