
Vegeta the Saiya Jin Prince


Date Description
23/06/98 Through the Guatemalan press was made another strike against DB, DBZ and Ranma 1/2, for be "violent" and have "porno" escenes according to them, I have to say that in my opinion this news is stuped, This news came from the U.S sensors.
13/07/98 At least new episodes of Dragon Ball Z in the Xhgc.
04/10/98 Great Ignauration of the new image of Guatemala Kame House.
05/01/99 Liberty of expresion in the anime for all the countries, like in my country (Guatemala of course), you see here it´s brocasting Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z and Ramna 1/2 !! " with out censure " !! it´s that so, bealive or not, they din´t censure absolutly nothing, I´m sorry for those who see anime throught Televisa, Carton Network, etc, but the Chanel 3 of Guatemala, respect clearly the original anime.
01/02/99 Actualization of Guatemala Kame House, now with 4 new Galleries of Images and one more Gallery of Animated Gifs, plus the links section has been Actualizate, now there is more than 11mb, and that is why now i will use a altern address for futher actualizations.
28/02/99 Guatemala Kame House Win an Award, check the Awards section.
01/03/99 First Aniversary of Guatemala Kame House .
23/03/99 Televisa broadcast the last chapter of Ranma 1/2 .
04/04/99 Televisa announce that April 19 will be the big day, very waited in latin america, finally they will broadcast the new DBZ chapters .
05/04/99 My Sumer vacations are over, a will soon make a big actualization.
11/04/99 I have see 2 Japoanimation (Akira, A-ko Project) in the sci-fi channel since the last saturday at 1:00 am, stay tune the next saturday who knows perhaps they will doing again.


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