Welcome to my homepage.  I am going to try to update this page as much as I can.  Everything that you see on this page is done solely by me. I don't copy from any other pages, and I wish that you don't as well.  Every image is copyrighted by me. No biters or Jackers please.  If you wish to know how I did an image or if you want to borrow it, please email me Sorry for the stiff warning, but I want to be original, different, unique.  I hope you understand.  Well, below are some links to my NEW site.  It is very simple, point and click and enjoy. Please don't leave without signing my Guestbook at the end of this page.



UPDATES: Future Links will be up and running in the coming months. These Links are Truest Thoughts, and Sigma Pi Fraternity International. Also, if you haven't noticed, I have changed the format of my homepage. Less advertisements and more about my life. "Come and listen to my Truest Thoughts."-Tupac Shakur