M asa ru's Kin gdo m
My page really sucks.        
Hey there! My name is Robert. I got some cool JPOP stuff like links and pics. I also got links to my friends pages too.

If you are
wondering who these people are, they are SPEED. The person on the upper left is Hitoe who's only 16 and to the right of her is Takako who's14. Right below her, it's Eriko who's 14 and the one next to her is Hiroko who's 13. I think their music is totally awesome but that's only my opinion. Here are some links to SPEED and other JPOP pages.


Links to JPOP Sites

Stuff About Me

Okay. Enough with that. I'll tell you about myself. I was born on December 8, 1981 in San Francisco. I like to play golf and I was on the SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO HIGH SCHOOL Cross Country Team. I was also in the South City GOLF TEAM. I goto UCSD right now and majoring in Bioengineering. Hey!! Visit my Middle School's Homepage at Westborough Middle School, check out it's website!!! Let's put up some more pictures. A lot of these links may be down and I'm too lazy to change them.
Dragon Ball Sitez
    I go on AIM (AOL Instant Messenger) and my name is T2ya128 or Tetsuya128. So if you see me, feel free to give me a message. 

Links To My Friends Sites

    Rodrigo's Homepage                                Shan's Homepage                   Taran's PSX Page
    Mary's SCI-FI Page                                 PGA                    MountE's World

    pNaYbaLLa's HoMePagE                         [mAgE-[X]'s Homepage         Buff Alex's Page

    pImP jAiE's wOrlD

This page was last updated Monday, April 1 at 7:36 PM.