FAQ 2 Part B: Getting Started on News

Starting out for Beginners

    Table of Contents
  1. Start with Newsbin
  2. Important Notes
  3. News Servers
  4. Newsgroup Sampling Demo
  5. Download Newsreaders
  6. Other Newsreaders

For a demo of newsgroups that is similar to Easynews, you can try the GUBA server demo explained later in this FAQ.

For a good pay server, I recommend Airnews orNewsfeeds. The advantage is that using only a few newsgroups you can get hundreds of megabytes a week. News server chioces are detailed in FAQ 2I.

Newsbin is the easiest to start using, so this section uses Newsbin as an example. If you want to learn to use SBNews, try FAQ 2E.

Download it

1) First, download Newsbin. One place to download it is Newsbin 2.21 (191 kb, version 2.21 for Win 95).

Install it

2) Install and run Newsbin.

Enter your news server

3) Next, Newsbin will ask you to specify a news server.

Enter your newsgroup(s)

4) Next, Newsbin will ask you to add a newsgroup.

Start downloading

5) If you do these steps correctly, click on the start button with your mouse and have fun.

Note: If you aren't good with computers, you might want to try a service like Easynews. Unfortunately, it does not carry many groups. The main advantage is that anyone can use it without any complicated instructions or software to download. However, the disadvantage is it's not as good or complete as the real thing.

Important Notes

Here is a list of Shareware Limitations of some common newsreaders. It will give you an idea of what you can expect from various newsreaders if you try only the free shareware version.

Beware of viruses

Important: *Never* run a mystery program that you've downloaded from news. Several people have gotten viruses this way and have lost their entire hard drives. The same obviously goes for webpages as well. If you follow the Rules of Acquisition and play it safe, you will never get a virus (I never have). Please do not learn this the hard way. ;)

Often I will deal with people who say "Ha I once ran a .exe and it was not a virus." However, the point is that if you continue this behavior long enough, you are likely to get a virus eventually. The last time this happened, a few weeks after my warning someone set up a site and put up a zipped virus there, including all sorts of tricks to make you think the zip contained a useful program. Once again I repeated my warning, but unfortunately a few people did not listen and did have their hard drives erased from the virus.

For more info, try FAQ 7E: Viruses

Look for good servers

For information on where to get your hands on a news server, try FAQ 2I.

Important: It is important to note that you will get roughly 100-300 megabytes from binary groups only if you use a good and reliable news server (note that some newsgroups get 500+ megs, so these are just typical numbers).

As the above paragraph warns, a good news server is more important than all other factors combined.

Another important warning is not to run mystery programs that you find in newsgroups; many times they will be viruses. People also seem to ignore this warning as well...

How to find free servers

There are several ways to find free servers. FAQ 2I deals with this issue.

General notes on Starting out

News Servers

The news server(s) I mentioned are only examples. For better news servers, try out Newname or King Tut's site (or try out a pay server). You can find their sites through the links page. I do not list servers in RamFAQs for various reasons. I mention a few of the reasons in the section "Suggested use" (Part F).

If you want to change your list of news servers using Newsbin, go to Settings --> News Servers. There you can add/edit/delete news servers from your personal list.


For a sample list of newsgroups, check here. This will give you a rough idea of what type of newsgroups are out there besides the two examples I gave. This list is much smaller than the official list, but if I were to list all the newsgroups, most people would probably never reach the bottom (it's roughly a megabyte list).

Accessing news through your browser

If Newsbin does not work for you, then another quick way to test out news servers is to type into the url location of your browser. For example:

  • news://news.ausmail.com/alt.games.video.nintendo-64
  • news://mercury.datainternet.com/alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.anime

    As you might notice, the format for a browser is normally news://(newsserver name)/(newsgroup name), or something like that. ;)

    If you're using Netscape 3 (with the Newsreader extension) and the above doesn't work, you can try the following. Start at the browser. First goto the menu "Window", then choose, "Netscape News". You will see new window. Then go to File and open news host. Type in the server (not newsgroup) you want to use. Then, be sure to select that news server and go up to File and Add Newsgroup. Type in the newsgroup you want (ex. jbpel). You should probably subscribe to it. You can access settings from Options. Get more messages and the rest is almost identical to Netscape's mail reader.

    The reason I explain how to connect using Netscape is not meant to provide a long-term solution, but instead I find it's usually best to start simple and work your way up to a newsbot (also, Netscape is a quick way to test what servers still work).

    1) There are a few important notes about this method.

    2) This method is only recommended for practice, not the long run.

    By the way, please do not try using a bad server like valuu.net to get newsgroups; I use bad servers as examples only so that you can practice and get the hang of news. Last time I checked, www.valuu.net misses over 99.5% of posts in many groups. Several times I've had people tell me that they only get only a few megabytes from newsgroups, only to find out that they were using this server. So, save yourself the time and trouble; without a good server, this FAQ is not useful.


    I should add that Easynews is not a good long-term solution unless you are certain that you have no alternative or you just want to casually browse the groups once in a while. Personally I would not use it if it was free (and for a brief period it was). You have to manually download each file and it misses many series. Last time I made a comparison, Easynews missed 90-95% of posts in several groups. Easynews is not a news server, and the only relation it has to a news server is that the material it posts comes directly from news servers; everything else makes it a web server.

    Demo of Newsgroups

    For those of you that do not have access to usenet and want to have an idea of what it is like, http://www.guba.com provides a demo newsfeed of the same format as Easynews. I believe that this is the same newsfeed as the Typhoon newsfeed early this year.

    Note that it does not have several on-topic groups and the demo allows you only to see indices, so this is only meant to give you an idea of how newsgroups are organized for those of you that have not seen them before.

    As an example, the section for Asian newsgroups is at:
    asian newsgroups DEMO

    One group in partiuclar is alt.binaries.pictures.bluebird, from which much of http://ranmfa.fsn.net and http://shampoo.fsn.net originates.

    Another one is alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.anime. It carries Japanese anime, much like what you would find at Viper's old site (no longer there).

    What you see at http://www.guba.com is similar to what you would find at Easynews (http://www.easynews.com), though Easynews has several groups that GUBA does not.

    By comparison, a real news server would have significantly more than either GUBA or Easynews.

    If you have any questions, feel free to ask them at Epsilon board.

    Download Newsbots

    The following links may become outdated over time, so if any dont' work, please notify me and I'll replace it with a working link.

    Download: SBNews

    Download SBNews for Win95

  • SBNews Version 6.2
  • SBNews

    Download SBNews for Win 3.1

  • SBNews Version 6.2
  • SBNews

    Download SBNews old version

  • http://smbaker.simplenet.com/sbnews/sbnews53.zip (win 3.1, old version)
  • http://smbaker.simplenet.com/sbnews/sbn32_53.zip (win95, old version)

    Webpage for SBNews

  • SBNews Main Webpage
  • http://smbaker.simplenet.com/curproj.html

    Download: Newsbin

    Download Newsbin for Win95

  • http://www.newsbin.com/nb32221.exe (Newest version)

    Note: There is an even newer version now. Of cousre, it's easier to register version 2.14... ;)

    Download old version of Newsbin

  • ftp://ftp.euro.net/d3/Windows/winsock-l/Windows95/News/nb32214.zip

    Webpage for Newsbin

  • Newsbin Main Webpage

    If you want to search for other 2.14 download sites, you can try:

  • Newsbin 2.14 search

    Download: Free Agent

    Free Agent is a great newsreader, and as its name implies, it is completely free. The maker of this newsreader hope that those who like their product might pay for their more advanced version. However, the Free Agent nonetheless very complete and efficient.

    I personally use it, but the reason why I don't mention it as much in this FAQ is because for people only interested in binaries (like images, movies, etc...) SBNews and Newsbin are much better. However, for general newsgroup use (reading messages and posting) Free Agent is an all-around favorite. It also will let you download binaries, but it is not as automatic as SBNews and Newsbin.

    Download Free Agent for Win95

  • ftp://ftp.areti.co.uk/pub/ibmpc/freeagent/fa32-111.exe
  • ftp://ftp.harborcom.net/pub/winsock-l/Windows95/News/fa32-111.exe
  • ftp://ftp.riken.go.jp/pub/pc/winsock-l/Windows95/News/fa32-111.exe
  • ftp://ftp.uni-koeln.de/pc/mirrors/winsock-l/Windows95/News/fa32-111.exe

    Download Free Agent for Win 3.1

  • ftp://ftp.areti.co.uk/pub/ibmpc/freeagent/fa16-111.exe
  • ftp://ftp.harborcom.net/pub/winsock-l/news/fa16-111.exe
  • ftp://ftp.riken.go.jp/pub/pc/winsock-l/news/fa16-111.exe
  • ftp://ftp.uni-koeln.de/pc/mirrors/winsock-l/news/fa16-111.exe

    Find about 50 links to download Free Agent at:

  • http://www.forteinc.com/getfa/download.htm


  • Free Agent Webpage


  • Microplanet Webpage

    Other Newsreaders

    Free Agent

  • You should be able to find it through www.tucows.com

    Anawave Gravity

  • http://www.anawave.com/gravity/index.html

    Outlook Express

  • This comes with Internet Explorer 4...it has most of the features of SBNews, except for some reason it cannot automatically handle multi-part files.

    Picture Agent

  • Never tried it before... www.pictureagent.com

    Several newsbots are evaluated and ranked in Part C.

    Download: News Hunter

    This program can be used to search for new free servers.

    Download News Hunter 4

  • News Hunter 4

    News Hunter Website

  • http://www.slip.net/~rain/nh/

    Other Newsreaders

    For a list of many News Readers try:

  • Xiamu's List of Win95 Internet Apps.
  • Tucows Newsreaders

    For instructions on other Newsreaders, try FAQ 2J.

    Rob's Page: Setting up Netscape's Newsreader

    Once you're comfortable accessing news, check out Part D or Part E to find out information specifically on Newsbin or SBNews (depending on which you use). Also, be sure to read the rest of this FAQ in your free time; it will save you trouble in the long run. 1