FAQ 2 Part F: Appendix

Suggested Use

These are purely suggestions. You are always free to do as you wish.

1) There are a few reasons why RamFAQs does not list news servers. Here is one of them...

2) There are several reasons why modem users might want to use 2-3 threads with Newsbin instead of all 6.

3) Another reason for not using too many threads is netiquette.

General Terminology


  • A particular group on usenet that serves as the forum for posting and reading posts relevant to the name of the newsgroup.

    News Server

  • A computer that collects posts from a selected list of newsgroups and allows posting, reading, or both to any who open a proper connection.

    Public Server

  • A Server that for whatever reason allows anyone who can to connect. Non-Public servers require permission (such as a password or specific type of connection).

    News Reader

  • A program on your computer that organizes and allows you to read or view newsgroup posts.

    News Robot

  • A term I use to describe a News Reader that automatically downloads posts, particularly those that download only files. 1