FAQ 2 Part G: Illustrations for Newsbin


I have placed several labels on this illustration (which you won't actually see when you run the program yourself). Here is an explanation of the labels:

[current news server]
This is the news server that Newsbin is currently on. Newsbin normally starts with the first server on the list and works its way down.

# of posts processed
This is how many posts that Newsbin has gone through. Not all posts carry files, though with a good server most should. (This implies that with a bad server, you won't find as many useful posts)

# of posts total
This is how many posts Newsbin is going to go through for this news server. This number is either the backtrack setting or the total number of posts that exist on the server, whichever is smaller.

[current newsgroup here]
This is the newsgroups that Newsbin is currently downloading from.

[files that Newsbin has encountered]
This box lists the files that Newsbin has seen.

[approx. speed]
This is your approximate current download speed. It is only an approximation. Note that right now the scale is at 10000, but if your modem exceeds 10000, it will adjust the scale accordingly.

Here is where you determine what newsgroups Newsbin will go through. You can either add a newsgroup from the list, or you can manually type in the name of the newsgroup. Note that if Newsbin makes a combined list out of two different news servers, then while a given newsgroup might be on the list, it won't necessarily be on both servers. Furthermore, if you make a list from one server, there's no guarantee that the newsgroups on that list will exist on another server.

Note that you can move a particular newsgroup up and down the list. This determines the order that Newsbin will access each group.

Here is where you determine what filetype extensions you want. I don't use this option (I leave the boxes unchecked), though in this illustration I gave an example of what it might look like if you did use this option.

Accept only Matching
Check this if you want to restrict files downloaded to those matching the following list.

Download path
destination of downloads (base directory if you choose multiple)

Max Spammer
This sets the maximum number of groups in crossposting. Lower numbers filter out more spam, but having it too low may also eliminate legitimate posts.

Minimum File Size
This sets the minimum file size

This is an outdated illustration, so I don't know how many of the servers at the left still work. If any of them do, then they have lasted quite a while.

Use these buttons to move a server up or down the list. Servers at the top have highest priority and are used first by Newsbin.

Use the edit button to edit information about a news server. You can use this to add password information for servers that require them.