FAQ 3: General Information on News


Contents of this FAQ

  • How news works
  • How to use Netscape to connect to news
  • Why you can't connect to some servers
  • Two unique problems I've seen
  • Newsbot Reviews

    This FAQ will attempt to give you a slightly technical understanding of how Usenet works as well as provide some notes on newsgroups in general.

    Basics of Usenet

    User capacity is often limited

  • Accessing news is like going to a restaurant.
  • Some restaurants have a larger capacity than other restaurants. The same holds true for news servers as well.
  • One news server might allow 20 people to use it simultaneously, while another server might allow 100.
  • When the restaurant/server capacity has been reached, no one else can enter until someone else leaves.
  • Fortunately, if you use a pay server or a private server, this situation will almost never happen.

    User priority often varies

  • Usually when a restaurant is full you will either wait in line or set a reservation. News servers are different however; it's survival of the fittest.
  • In other words, once someone leaves a server, the first person to knock on the door gets in. There is no line.
  • There is such a thing as priority, however. Priority is where on some servers certain people are always allowed in (regardless of occupancy), while everyone else can only be let in if the server is not too crowded.
  • If you try to enter a restaurant and find out that it's full, sometimes it's better to just leave and eat at another restaurant instead. After all, you can always come back when this restaurant/server isn't as busy. ;)

    Server speed varies from server to server

  • A restaurant or server isn't necessarily better just because it can seat more people; the speed of service is another important criteria.
  • Suppose a restaurant allowed 100 people in when they only have enough waitresses to serve 20 people. This restaurant wouldn't have enough waitors to serve everyone in a timely manner, and you might have to wait a ridiculously long time before you even get the menu. This is the same with news servers, though it mostly applies to free servers.
  • As a result, some news servers are very slow because they let in more people than they can handle.

    Headers provide information on available messages

  • Once you're connected to a server, it's just like being seated at a restaurant. The first thing you would probably do is ask for the menu. In the case of news, your Newsbot will request the list of headers, which is just like a menu.
  • The headers summarize what posts are on the news server, providing information like the title, length, etc...
  • If you went to a restaurant that was really packed, you might have to wait a long time just to get the menu. This is the same if you go to a server that's really packed with users; it might take an eternity to download the list of headers.
  • As a result, sometimes you have to be patient when waiting for the headers to download.

    News is sorted into newsgroups

  • The menu for a restaurant is usually divided into sections. For example, it might have one section for salad, another section for soups, or another section for appetizers. Likewise, news postings are sorted into newsgroups.
  • A newsgroup like alt.games.video.nintendo-64 would contain posts relevant to the N64, for example.
  • A newsgroup like alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.anime would contain posts relevant to erotic Japanese anime.
  • The "binaries" in the above group's name indicates that this particular newsgroup is reserved especially for posting files.
  • Since many groups begin with similar names, they are often abbreviated, sometimes with the last word spelled out. For example, alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.anime would be abpea or abpe.anime.
  • Since there are so many newsgroups out there (over a hundred thousand if you include unofficial ones), your newsbot will only get the menu for the newsgroups that you want. This is because if your newsbot got every menu, it would be humongous and would take hours for most people to download. So for practicality, your computer would normally only download the headers for the specific newsgroups that you want.

    Free news servers

  • A "free server" is just like a free restaurant.
  • Free servers are referred to as public or open servers.
  • As you might expect, the variety and service for free servers are not normally as good as the pay servers. After all, free food at a restaurant is probably not going to be that good, though there are always exceptions.

    Free servers often get too much traffic

  • Now keep in mind that a free restaurant or server isn't making money off of freeloaders like me. They can't even sell ad space like a free web page might. So, let's say there was a mob of hungry people sitting around. One guy comes running and says, "Free food! Free food!" and points to a restaurant. What do you think will happen when that free restaurant starts getting more freeloaders than they can handle? They will either close their doors or buy a cash register and start selling the food instead.
  • This happens often with public news servers.
  • Fortunately, some free servers only close down temporarily, only to reopen some time later.

    A solution

  • The best way to prevent free restaurants or servers from being overwhelmed is to have many free restaurants to choose from. Then the hungry people can split up and not be so much of a burden on the free restaurants.
  • However, an even better alternative is to sign up for a good pay server. Information on your options are available at FAQ 2I.

    Working together to find free servers

  • Now when there aren't that many free restaurants around anymore, people will start getting hungry again. This hunger might cause them to think irrationally. One hungry person might even start accusing others of keeping their knowledge of free restaurants to themselves. This kind of thinking is not productive. Instead of this, searching for free restaurants is far more productive; there are always tons out there.
  • Besides, beggars can't be choosy. I too am a beggar, and while I certainly wouldn't be happy about a lack of free restaurants, my best solution is to work with others to find new free restaurants.

    the Quality of news servers varies greatly

  • In a perfect world, all the restaurants would have every type of food on their menu and have extremely fast service. However, neither restaurants nor news servers are perfect.
  • News servers are actually supposed to carry every single post, but due to limitations, many news servers regularly miss posts.
  • Some news servers don't normally miss posts, and these are considered to be the good servers.
  • As an example, a good server might get all 9,000 posts for a given newsgroup, while another might get only 30 for that group.
  • Note that in the example, 9,000 is a arbitrary number, since some groups normally have 40,000 posts a week while others have only a few hundred; the number of total posts depends on the newsgroup in question and the timeframe (as well as how long it takes for posts to expire).



  • Many times you'll see a lot of spam in newsgroups. Spam is a type of substitute meat that no one really wants to eat, but for one reason or another, spammers love to shove it in your face, hoping that you'll take a little bite.
  • The easist way for a newsbot to recognize spam is by checking for crossposts. What is a crosspost? A crosspost is a post that is posted to more than one newsgroup, which usually indicates that it's off-topic (spammers often post the same commercial ad to thousands of newsgroups to get as many hits as they can). For example, suppose part of a restaurant's menu is as follows:


  • SPAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • SPAM WITH CHEESE!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Caesar Salad
  • Chicken Salad


  • SPAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Chicken Soup
  • SPAM WITH CHEESE!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Minestrone Soup

    Your newsbot will first go to "SPAM!!!..." and notice that it is present in both the Soup and Salads groups. If you choose the proper settings, your newsbot will ignore this message because it is crossposted to more than one group (which often indicates that it is off-topic). Your newsbot doesn't actually have to see both menus to recognize a crosspost. This is because every individual message will show in its header which newsgroup/s that the message was posted to. So, "SPAM!!!..." will have a header that says its been posted to both Salads and Soups. Assuming your newsbot ignores all crossposts, it will ignore "SPAM!!!..." and move on. Now if your newsbot was not set to ignore all crossposts, it would first have to read the rest of the "SPAM!!!...." messsage before figuring out that it's worthless.

    Miscellaneous Issues

    How to use your browser to connect to news

    Most of this section has been moved to FAQ 2 Part B.

    In summary, the format is usually news://(newsserver name)/(newsgroup name)

    It will only work for your browser if your browser is also configured to read news.

    Servers sometimes go down temporarily

    Sometimes servers can't be connected to because the maximum number of connections has been reached. Sometimes, servers reconfigure and are no longer public, even though they were public before. Netscape will tell you that "You do not have permission" or "This server can't talk to you" if a server will not accept public connections. Other programs might not tell you exactly what the reason you can't connect is. Sometimes servers reach the maximum user limit, and you will get a "Too many connections" error. This maximum is often to ensure that a server isn't overloaded by too many users. Do not be surprised to see public servers die out frequently.

    Another problem many people have reported

    About a year ago many people who used the AOL ISP and asked me about the same problem. It seems you can access these servers using AOL, but that if you want to use a Win95 internet application, AOL for windows 95 is required (this applies to all internet applications). The problem is that many people who have Win 95 as their operating system do not have AOL for Win 95. They usually have AOL for Windows (at help it will say windows, which really means windows 3.1). The Windows 95 version says clearly that it is Windows 95.

    A Unique Problem

    Another person I know came to me with a rather unique problem. They could not contact servers at all, and it turned out that it was because their ISP was a proxy server (just like AOL) that did not allow news connections (unlike AOL). It also happened that the ISP was the only one in that person's country. However, there is certainly salvation available! You can still use web news services like Easynews (http://www.easynews.com). Essentially they do the same as a news server only using webpages (http instead of nttp). They do provide thumbnails of images posted, which is pretty convenient and eliminates plenty of spam (as well as presenting only images). Easynews also sorts these images by poster. Such services require membership.

    Newsbot Reviews

    As it stands, the best ones I've evaluated so far are SBNews, Newsbin, and Nomad News. Anawave Gravity comes after Nomad News and is followed by Picture Sucker. Picture Sucker isn't too good, but that's only my evaluation (others might find it very nice). I personally use SBNews and Newsbin regularly, each one for a different situation. However, Nomad News is very nice (and very similar to SBNews).

    If you register, Nomad news has no major downsides. However, if you don't register, you have a maximum of 25 downloads per session...ouch. =P

    In my reviews I only mention the shareware aspects briefly, because I do not consider it to be a major criteria in determining a program's quality. Instead, I am for the most part reviewing these assuming they are fully registered.

    List of Shareware Limitations

    So far I have tried out SBNews, Newsbin, Anawave Gravity, Nomad News, and Picture Sucker. A few general comparisons in terms of shareware limitations:

    All except for Picture Sucker is limited if you don't register the shareware. Picture Sucker is a demo advertising a more advanced version called "Picture Sucker Pro." Keep in mind that Picture Sucker ranks 5th in my reviews, so if Picture Sucker Pro is much different, then this is roughly the equivalent of a "shareware limitation".


    • The unregistered version has all the features of the registered version.
    • However, the unregistered version has a time delay at startup. This delay starts off very small (in fact at first it loads faster than most of the other news bots despite this). Every day that passes after you first use it, the time delay increases by 1 day.
    • I find this to be fair compared to the alternatives, and even if the countdown gets high, it's not such a big deal if you're doing other tasks meanwhile. It only got up to 1 minute for me before I regged it.


    • The unregistered version has all the basic features of the registered version so far as I know.
    • However, every now and then while downloading a nag window pops up. If you don't click on the nag window, the program will pause once all current downloads finish. In other words, this program works fine if you're sitting at the computer the whole time, but you can't have it download while you sleep or practice your eyesight. ;)

    Anawave Gravity

    • The program allows you to do everything for 30 days. After that you must register (it will not run otherwise).

    Nomad News

    • A limit of 25 downloads per session if you don't register. That's all that I know of.

    Before I continue with my review, I should first state that I rank the newsbots personally in this order: SBNews, Newsbot, Nomad News, Anawave Gravity, and then Picture Sucker. This is probably not the same order as you would place them in, since this is just my opinion.

    Reviews of SBNews and Newsbin

    You can get a good idea of how SBNews and Newsbin look and work in FAQ 2.

    Review of Anawave Gravity





    I write these FAQs in hopes it will benefit and educate you, so as always, feel free to correct me and add your own suggestions. You may remain anonymous or allow me to credit you with the suggestion (I will assume the former but definitely feel free to volunteer the use of your nick in the credits of the FAQ)

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