FAQ 7 Directory


Table of Contents

Part A: General Questions

Part B: Hypothetical Questions

Part C: Technical Questions

Part D: Advanced Questions

Part E: Staying Safe

Part Z: Unsorted Questions


If you have a collection of questions and answers and want to add them to FAQ 7, send it over and I'll make a special section for it. So, if you don't have enough material to make a FAQ of your own but want credit for your own collection of questions and answers, I'd be more than happy to join the wisdom of our FAQs. ;) (Besides, don't you suppose people would get tired of seeing all my winking happy faces?) The only editing I will make is to format what you send for webpage viewing (I have to insert paragraph and line breaks).

List of Questions in Part C

This should give you an idea of what questions are asked in Part C.
    Table of Contents
  1. How do I view/play .rm files?
  2. How do I view/play .qm files?
  3. What do I do with a .lzh file?
  4. Any good program to view images?
  5. How do I purge my cache files?
  6. How do I purge my history file/s?
  7. How do I prevent cookies?
  8. I see an image at a webpage being displayed. How do I save it for future admiration?
  9. The goddess beckons me to augment my hard drive with more space. What do you suggest?
  10. What can I do to keep others off my computer while I'm away?
  11. My IP address is sensitive. How do I e-mail you anonymously?
  12. How do I unzip a passworded zip?
  13. How do I crack the password for a zip?
  14. Can you give me some tips on cracking?
  15. I click on a link to a file (zip, mp3, etc..), but it won't let me save it to my hard drive.
  16. How do I download only a few specific files using SBNews?
  17. How do you highlight multiple files?
  18. How anonymous are you when downloading from newsgroups?
  19. How anonymous are you when visiting websites?
  20. How useful is an IP address in determining a person's identity?
  21. Howcome when I delete 5 megabytes of small files I end up freeing more than 5 megs of hard drive space?
  22. What is a proxy?
  23. Tell me what program to use to hide my IP.
  24. Tell me how to use a remailer.


I write these FAQs in hopes it will benefit and educate you, so as always, feel free to correct me and add your own suggestions. You may remain anonymous or allow me to credit you with the suggestion (I will assume the former but definitely feel free to volunteer the use of your nick in the credits of the FAQ) 1