FAQ 7 Part B: Hypothetical Questions |
Introduction |
Singers |
Vivian Hsu ;) |
Q: Who is this Vivian Hsu you keep referring to?
Vivian Hsu is a singer from Japan (born in Taiwan) that has demonstrated to the world just how truley blessed she is. ;) She's also won the award for "Most Beautiful Woman in the World", though of course such titles are not definitive (After all, I didn't get to vote!). I have one of her songs in .ra format, but I haven't put it up at RamFAQs because I'm sure most of you are more interested in her other multimedia files. ;)
As I promised in the last version of this FAQ, I have put up a website with her pics. You can find it at:
Warning: Some of the galleries are for adults only (it will warn you before entering).
This is a Korean music group...you can download their music video (in mpeg format) in my links section.
You can, but above all make sure they write using correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, and simple coherent sentences. Even though English is not my first language, it is the only one I can read and write in legibly on a computer (and it happens to be the most common on the net). The other languages I can read to a limited extent, so only do so if there is no alternative (your friend only knows that language, etc...)
If you send me a message too complex for me to understand, I can only reply "I don't speak ____" (fill in blank) in the language that you wrote me in. Je ne parle pas français!
Q: Hey, in the past you had archives 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, and 8. Where are 3 and 4?
If I ever post them, they will be private archives only for those I know personally.
Q: No!
A: Yes.
Q: No! No! No!!
A: Yes.
Q: Howcome when I delete 5 megabytes of small files I end up freeing up more than 5 megs of hard drive space?
Most IBM PCs allocate hard drive space in chunks of 32kb (known as a "cluster"). So, a 0kb file actually takes up 32kb on most (not all) computers.
Note: A detailed analysis of this can be found in FAQ 7 Part C (look for this question there).
Q: How do I keep my wife from seeing my blessed Vivian when I'm using ACDSee, just in case she happens to walk in and have no sypmathy for the gifts that God gave her?
One quick way to change which window you are looking at in Windows 95 and Windows 3.1 is to use ALT+TAB. To do this, hold down ALT and then tap the TAB button until you select which window you want. Release the ALT button once you've found the window you want.
In such a case, I assume you have maximized your windows in order to better view Vivian's blessings, so hopefully you also maximized the window that you are switching to. If so, the other window should fill the screen and cover Vivian, in case she is not already covered ;). This is also useful if you're playing Solitaire and your boss comes walking along. =)
Q: How would I quickly close ACDSee?
One quick way to close a program or window is to use ALT+F4. This will work under most conditions. If you didn't register ACDSee, a reminder window might interrupt, so just another good reason to register. ;)
Note: Don't rely completely on these solutions (use them only as a backup plan), because on rare occasion your computer might be busy (cleaning up hard drive cache) and it might take a moment before your computer executes your command. ;)
Note 2: Some computers have a button that's sort of like a power button, only when you turn the computer back on, it turns on just as it was before you turned it off (it doesn't have to reboot and any programs you had running will still be on).
Q: Suppose I'm downloading the newest version of Quake onto my computer, but I don't want my boss to find out. What should I do in case I have to leave the computer?
If you insist on downloading while you are away from the computer and don't want your boss to see that you're using the computer to goof off, you can use a passworded screensaver. This is not much of a solution, but it's better than nothing. ;)
To set up a passworded screensaver on Win95, go to Start --> Settings --> Control Panel. From there, go to Display --> Screensaver.
In addition, it's probably best to minimize the download window so that it is not easily visible. You can additionally lower the bottom bar so that minimized windows will be out of normal view.
Ami is washing her hair
Q: What is the next riddle?
I will answer that later in this FAQ.
let us play a game
Q: Tell me the solution, please. Yes?
It's much more fun to tease you.
To find three aces, look for Taro
Q: Now will you tell me?
FAQ Questions
Q: I noticed you put up FAQs in several other languages. Can I e-mail you in another language or invite others to do so?
RamFAQ Archives
Handling Files
Freeing up space
Hiding from wife/boss
you should find out where
it begins with her name
the place is the same
just count to three and you're there.
first we choose a name
pharoah isn't long
when the vowels are gone
four aces lead to the dame
add the fourth to complete the arrow.