Miscellaneous Technical Questions
FAQ 10: Miscellaneous Info
version 1.01
New: See the end of this FAQ for new additions.
How to repost at a generic message Board
plain text versus html
There are two general ways to repost at typical message board. The first way is to post by copying and pasting. I strongly recommend this for those of you that are not familiar with html.
I repost using html, which is very fast and easy. If everything is alright, it might only take me half a minute to prepare a repost.
: Unlike other FAQs, you may want to re-read this FAQ before you try anything. With other FAQs, you can make mistakes and just start over. With this one, it is not as easy. ;)
General recommendations if you have time
1) Remove or shorten unconstructive comments. Some examples include posts that are:
derogatory (with no on-topic or constructive value)
unreasonably long (as in several pages double spaced), etc...
malicious (disturbs other posts or makes other posts harder to read)
2) You don't always have to repost everything.
If it's your first few times, making a mistake will have much less negative effect with a smaller repost
3) After you get used to reposting, don't take too much time in reposting; it doesn't have to be perfect. I usually prepare a repost in a few seconds to a minute (using special software, some of which I'll mention later).
4) There are several possible goals for reposting.
save visitors the trouble of skipping clutter and malicious posts
push down damaged portions of the board
preserve posts that have been pushed off
reduce board size (by pushing off posts before reposting)
Note: Generally I only repost if there are malicious postings to the board or an unreasonably high number of test/spam posts (which rarely happens).
5) Zip brings up the important point that in reposting, you should be careful not to act as a judge of what is useful and what is not. I generally only remove posts that fit the description of section 1, in addition to doing the following:
if I see a double or triple post, I reduce it to a single post
however, if a post is posted an unreasonably large number of times (such as spam posted 20 times in a week), I will remove it entirely
I remove tests because assuming it is really a test it's purpose has been already served and does not need to be reposted
I remove derogatory and obscene posts because such discussions can be made elsewhere in private and are typically off-topic anyways
General notes
There is a limit to how much you can put into one post.
It's hard to reach this limit (you might reach it if you tried reposting the enitre board or if the board was exceptionally large).
Check to make sure that the very last line goes into the box (in my case, I make sure that the "*****End Repost*****" label is at the very bottom; if I notice that it's cut off, then I'll have to remove some posts
Reposting through copy and paste
1) Copying and pasting has some advantages.
It's much harder to make a mistake
It's easier to learn; most people already know how to do this
It's much faster
Pictures will automatically be removed
Java will automatically be removed
2) Copying and pasting has several disadvantages. (for J-style boards in particular)
E-mail addresses will dissapear because in html the "<" and ">" symbols in html are interpreted to be commands; so, I suggest you either ignore it or if you know how, remove the "<" and ">"
Posts won't be separated by a long flat divider line (created with the "hr" html command). So, it might be hard to tell where one post ends and another begins; King uses a long line of ---------- and pastes it inbetween each post
Links can't be copied and pasted directly; just forget about them in this case, since it's usually better that posts be in text anyways
If someone changes the font in a post above yours (or does some other formatting), it will affect all of your repost, since your repost in this case would be plain text.
As always, please try not to repost too much. If you repost everything, you'll end up doubling the size of the message board.
Alternatively, you may sometimes with to repost only 1-5 of your favorite posts. In this case I don't think anyone would have much of an objection.
Reposting through html
1) This is difficult for some people, and it takes some practice. However once you are good at it it should take under a minute (and under certain conditions only seconds).
I strongly suggest getting a free program called "Editpad", as I will be describing several techniques which use Editpad.
2) To start off, you must obtain the original html source for the message board.
to do so for Netscape, click on the bottom frame (where the posts are). This will select the bottom frame. Then go to File -> Save frame as.
to do so for Internet Explorer, just right click on the bottom half and choose to either view the source (and then save it) or save the frame.
Make sure you've loaded the entire page or it might only save part of it (although if the page is really big maybe you really do just want part of it).
Once you have obtained the html source, use Editpad to open the file up.
3) There are several things I recommend in general.
compensate for the extra returns that Jade board throws in by removing all extra returns entirely (I'll describe how later)
eliminate unnecessary html like h3 and /h3 (not because it saves space but because it decreases the chance you'll mess up)
after you repost, use editpad to make a backup of what you posted (if you repost to bbs1, save it as filename "repost.htm" and if you repost to bbs2, save it as filename "repost2.htm"). That way if you need to repost again in the near future, you can use what you saved and add on what's new at the top to make your repost. Another advantage of saving your repost is that it gives you a copy of any headers you can reuse. Also, if the file you have open is already called repost.htm, then simply press CTRL+S and editpad will automatically save the page.
4) Headers are not necessary, so when you start out you don't need this.
Here is an example of a header in html format:
</script></a></font><b><font size = +1>
What you just saw was html. This is how it actually appears once it's posted:
As you can see, nothing actually appears, because all the header does is tell the rest of the page what color, size, and style the text should be in.
I used to also put this at the beginning of my repost:
[Repost of messages. Some excessive shouting, spam, tests, obscenity, solicitations, and off-topic posts may be missing in this repost. Posts which have been repeated excessively have been removed entirely from this repost]
5) Now let me describe what each of the html commands in the first example were for as well as how they affect the output.
The </a> command stops short any attempt at turning the entire page blue in case someone posts a <a href..> comand without ending the command.
The </font> command stops any formatting commands that changes the font, size, or color of text.
The <font size = +1> and <b> commands then adjusts all fonts so that they are the standard Jade Board size. Jade board uses the <h3> command instead, but that command is usually identical to the font size +1 command when used in combination with the b command (the b command means bold style font). The reason why I don't use just a <h3> command will be explained later when I get to the Editpad techniques.
The </script> tag stops short any javascript comments that might otherwise blank out the rest of the posts. If such a comment appears, simply repost anything (if anything) that is commented out.
If a blink or center tag is effective (despite the present header), then you can modify the header to include a /center or /blink tag.
Using Editpad
1) It is important to note that in html, a "return" is completely different than the <br> tag.
in html, a "return" is treated just like a space made by the spacebar
for that reason, in html returns are usually completely ignored (you can put a hundred returns and your browser won't skip a single line).
a <br>, on the other hand, is what actually tells your browser to go to the next line in html.
2) Why is #1 important? Well, if you look at the source html at Jade, you'll notice there are a ton of extra returns (which your browser will ignore). However, this is a problem in reposting because if you leave those extra returns in, Jade board will actually convert them to <br> tags (which your browser will no longer ignore).
so, if you simply take the original html source and post it, it will have a lot of extra spaces in it (which is better than seeing pages of spam in some cases, but it's still better to fix it)
remember that Jade board will actually insert a <br> tag before every line, including completely blank lines
so, every return that you use in the original html will become a <h3> tag
3) As explained in #2, one of the things you should do is to eliminate all the extra returns.
Editpad is one of the few programs that has a system for recognizing returns (most other word processors don't)
With editpad, "\n" is the equivalent of a return (Be careful not to use /n, as it will not work)
So, when you use the Replace function with Editpad, typing in a \n will always mean a return.
To eliminate all extra returns, I tell Editpad to replace all occurrances of "\n\n" with "\n"
This means that any time Editpad sees two returns in a row, it combines them into one.
4) Note that the reason I don't replace every "\n" with a blank space (" ") is because that would get rid of all returns.
Instead, we just want to eliminate extra returns.
Eliminating all returns would literally place everything on a single line
Using "\n\n" like described in #3 will ensure that you'll eliminate only extra returns (in other words, only when there are two returns in a row)
Note that you may have to repeat this replace process a few times, because if there are four returns in a row, Editpad will combine them into two returns, so you'll have to run the replace function a second time to combine them into one return. However, in the summary section I'll explain a faster order to do this once you've learned the basics.
5) Although I just told you how to eliminate extra returns, there are a few things you might want to eliminate in addition. One thing is to do is to convert all those <br> commands into normal returns.
This is not mandatory, but I do recommend it because the process of replacing "\n\n" won't work on <br> tags.
6) Another thing is to eliminate all <h3> and </h3> commands. This is because only one set of h3 tags is needed, and repeating these html commands in a single post is a little waste of space (especially since they have no effect when you're reposting).
This is optional, since it's not really a big deal.
However, notice that there are returns in front of each <h3> and < tag that will not be removed using the replace "\n\n" process.
If you do this, use the replace function and replace all <h3> commands with a "\n" (return) and do the same with </h3> (note that it's a /h3 with a forward slash and \n with a backward slash)
Why not just replace h3 and /h3 with a blank " "? You can certainly do it, but then you can't replace "\n\n" with "\n" (becuase there will be a space between the returns, becoming "\n \n")
if you do replace h3 and /h3 each with a \n, be sure to eliminate extra returns again through \n\n
7) Next, skim the posts and look for posts to eliminate, including repeated posts, pictures, obscenity, spam, off-topic posts, and unwanted solicitations.
If you've done steps 1-6, this should be very easy
Repeated posts should stare out at you.
To remove a single post, put the cursor at the start of the post (right before the <hr> tag) and then highlight down to just before the next &hr> tag. Then press the delete button on your keyboard.
You can check for pictures by searching for "src" (you could also try "img" if you want, but I prefer "src"). This should find any image, because an image command in html would look like: <img src = filename.jpg>. So, once you find this command, cut out everything including the < and the >.
Another way to skim for images is just to look at Jade board and see for yourself.
8) Also, if someone posts a link that doesn't end (<a href = http://www.url.com> without a </a> command), then you should probably remove the link altogether.
In general you should eliminate starting tags that don't have an appropriate ending tag
9) As mentioned before, before you repost you might want to save your work, just in case something comes along and you need to repost the board again (so that you can just quickly use copy and paste to append the new posts to the top of your backup file).
A faster order
Here is a pretty quick order you can use to prepare a repost. In the future I will release in private a program that will automatically do all of this.
To get started:
Using IE, right click on the bottom frame, then view and save the file.
Using Netscape, click on the bottom frame. Depending on your version, you might either right click on the bottom frame or use the File menu at the top to save the frame.
If you are saving BBS 2 at Jade, name it something like bbsf2.html so that it will not overwrite your BBS 1 backup.
If you want to make more than one backup of BBS 2, for example, you can name the second backup as bbsf2b.html.
Multiple backups are so that the newer backup can have a few of the newer posts that the older backup doesn't have, so usually backups are only optional.
If you just recently posted, then your browser will give the frame file the default name of axis.cgi. Just rename it as either bbsf.html or bbsf2.html and it will work just the same.
Run Editpad and open the file. You may wish to copy that file as repost.htm (optional).
1) Use CTRL + F to bring up the Replace menu.
2) Replace <h3> with "\n" (Press CTRL + A as a shortcut to begin the replacement process)
3) Replace </h3> with "\n" (Press CTRL + A as a shortcut to begin the replacement process)
4) Replace <br>\n with "\n" (Press CTRL + A as a shortcut to begin the replacement process)
5) Replace "\n\n\n\n\n" with "\n"
6) Replace "\n\n" with "\n"
(Note: Don't try to combine 5 and 6 using this method)
7) Optional: Replace "</a>\n&" with "</a> &" (this removes the extra return you see when someone uses a link on their name)
8) Optional: Place a </script><h3> in front of everything if someone tries to sabotage your reposts by making your repost invisible (through the <script> tag).
9) Check for any spam or destructive posts to remove.
10) If you remember any, check for images (by searching for "src") or things like script tags. ;)
New Notes
There is an easy way to deal with meta tags, but I've only tested it for Netscape. If you check some of my reposts, you might see what it is...
The --> you might see in front of my new headers allows me to at a later time comment out posts after my repost (allowing me to do a clean repost). Once a spammer posted meta tags dozens of times, and each time I used a simple command to completely erase his posts from view (and was able to repost everything else without much trouble).
1) The instructions I suggest are presented in the previous section. This is just an elaboration.
2) Run Editpad and open up the page you want to repost (bbsf.html for example). If applicable, also open up the repost.html (or repost.htm) file from your previous repost.
The reason for opening up repost.html is so that you can copy and paste bbsf.html's stuff on there and then save repost.html for future use.
For reposts of BBS2, you should use repost2.html instead (for many reasons).
This also allows you to store your header and footer in the repost.html file (so that you don't have to type in "Begin repost" and other tags you might want every time you prepare a file for repost).
4) Quickly skim the posts to see if there's any destructive posts that stand out (like a hundred <br> tags in a row).
This is so that in Step 5 you won't be sitting there for a minute waiting for Editpad to replace all <br> tags with "\n" (returns)
Don't worry about looking too carefully at this step; you'll have a much easier time spotting bad posts later on. For now, just skim for the obvious ones.
5) Next, use the Editpad Replace function and convert all <br> tags into "\n" (the symbol for a return in Editpad).
If you simply remove all <br> tags, then under certain conditions you will end up making everything on a single line (for example, if the repost you are making contains a previous repost, removing the br tags instead of replacing them with returns will make that portion all on one line).
Under some conditions, it may be faster to replace the pair <br><br> with "\n" and then replace <br> with "\n" first and then replace the individual <br> with "\n" afterwards. This isn't usually faster, but it can be when there are lots of bunched together <br> tags.
Of course, when I say "\n", I mean for you to do it without the quotes like \n.
6) At around this point, save your repost.htm file.
This is so if you really screw up, you won't have to start back at step 2. Besides, it only takes a fraction of a second to save (use CTRL+S to save).
Editpad has the good feature in that it allows you to repeatedly undo changes (so that if you make three mistakes in a row, you can undo all three of them). You can use CTRL+Z as a hotkey for this.
The reason why you should save your repost.htm file at this point even though Editpad allows you to undo mistakes is that there are some mistakes that are hard to undo (for example, suppose you replaced a hundred items automatically; you'd have to press CTRL+Z a hundred times to undo it all).
7) Now, replace all "\n\n\n\n\n" with "\n" (5 "\n"s is best assuming you've followed all instructions).
What this does is it tells Editpad to look for 5 plain returns in a row. When it does, it will replace the 5 of them with a single return, thereby compacting them.
8) Assuming you've followed all instructions correctly so far, replace all "\n\n\n" with "\n". Then, replace all "\n\n" with "\n".
Repeatedly replace "\n\n" with "\n" until Editpad doesn't seem like it's doing anything anymore.
This is the signal that you've removed all extra returns.
9) Now is the time to search for offensive tags and posts.
First I suggest you search for the string "img" using the Replace menu (but don't press the replace button, press the find next button).
When you find a post containing the "img" tag, you probably want to remove it. If the poster obviously has bad intentions, remove their post entirely. Keep in mind that such people very often post several posts in a row, so skim down a bit to see if you can find any more of their posts which are malevolent.
You might also want to search for something unique to common spammers. For example, you might search for "eva" or "161"
If present, search for "meta" and "java" tags. Don't spend your time searching for them unless you know it's there.
If present, also search for inappropriate links that use "cgi".
10) Now, skim from top to bottom for inappropriate posts.
I recommend you follow the guidelines presented earlier in this FAQ.
When removing a post, use the mouse and start highlighting at the <hr> and stop highlighting just before the start of the next <hr> tag. This ensures that you don't remove too much or too little.
11) Recommended: Make a test post to indicate that you are about to repost.
If reposters followed this recommendation, it would prevent two reposters from simultanesoly reposting the same posts.
If there's something that you don't want to cancel
Replace the:
Step by Step Instructions for html reposting at type P boards.
1) Copy the plain text only. I strongly recommend against copying the html source, as you will end up throwing all of it away anyways. This is because type P boards don't allow html.
Use your mouse and start copying from the title of the first post to the end of the message on the last post (don't copy anything afterwards, or you'll have to edit it out manually).
Don't worry about the extra spaces; you'll deal with that later.
Repeat this process with the following pages of the P board.
Keep in mind there is a limit to how much you can post with one repost.
2) Now eliminate the extra spaces.
First, replace all "\n " (4 spaces) with "\n" (no spaces).
This will make sure that you are eliminating the 4 extra spaces in front of each post you might get from copying and pasting.
Next, replace all "\n " (1 space) with "\n" (no spaces) to eliminate the single space that might appear in front of some lines.
3) Now, eliminate extra lines.
Replace all \n\n with \n. Repeat if necessary.
4) If you want, replace POSTER > with Poster: .
This is just to make things look neater, and it's really optional.
You can also replace DATE > with Date: .
Everything else you can just forget about; it's not too big of a deal unless you have that much time.