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Wei-Chao Henry Chuang

Permanent Address
OH 43085
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U. S. Permanent Resident

Curriculum Statement Elective courses chosen to enhance knowledge in manufacturing, human factors and engineering management.
Relevant Course Work Projects

CIS 230 Introduction to C++ Programming
Learn to program in C++ and object-oriented programming as the following projects: wrote a C++ program that asks the user to enter a date in one format and outputs it another format; coded a program that defines and uses an overloaded function; created a class "date" such that the attached program will compile and give the attached output; implemented a bank system machine, which involving the checking accounts and savings account with the minimal services; obtain the current balance, deposit money, withdraw money and transfer money.

CIS 294K Introduction to the Internet and the World Wide Web
Designed homepages while exploring the techniques of basics, hyperlinks, color, graphics, tables and frames in Hyper Text Markup Language. (URL: http://www.acs.ohio-state.edu/students/csa and http://geocities.datacellar.net/Tokyo/Dojo/4333)

CIS 459.21 Programming in C
Implemented several C programs, such as evaluate an expression, an automated lab cheating machine, evaluate a postfix expression, do polynomial addition and solve the Josephus problem which find out who is the last person to get killed around a group of N people standing in a circle by using the pointer techniques.

CIS 541 Elementary Numerical Methods
Used the C programming language to develop two projects. One is to implement the efficient way of the natural logarithm applying the Newton form and Taylor series theorems. Another is to implement the intensity, H, of an electromagnetic field to calculate the distance X by given the center of a coil of radius R, induced by a current C with applying the Romberg algorithm.

CIS 560 Systems Software Design, Development, and Documentation
Created group project involving the design and implementation of systems software as machine's assembly language (assemblers, macro processors, linkers/loaders and emulator) by programming in C.

CIS 570 File Design and Analysis
Implemented the database system to list the files, build a hashed relative files of order header records, update an indexed sequential file, develops the concept of integrated files, and extends the integrated files with the relative organization and the techniques of linking records via direct addresses by programming in Modula-2.

CIS 630 Survey of Artificial Intelligence I: Basic Techniques
Implemented the Genetic algorithm by programming in C, which take their motivation from the mechanics of natural selection and genetics.

CIS 640 Numerical Analysis
Analysis of numerical methods for ordinary differential and non-linear equations, and calculate the minimal orbital intersection distance of asteroids around the major planets (Earth, Mars and Jupiter) by implementing in C programming language.

CIS 655 Introduction to the Principles of Programming Languages
Implemented some basics of Scheme functions. Developed a recursive descent parser, a type checker and semantic analyzer to compiler for the particular CIS 655 language by programming in C++.

CIS 660 Introduction to Operating Systems
Implemented the file copying commands, the UNIX Local Interprocess communication, a semaphore using files to solve a classical concurrency problem and the page replacement algorithms (FIFO, LRU and Random) for a demand paged virtual memory system by programming in C++.

CIS 677 Introduction to Computer Networking
Designed a simplified data link layer, and implement the Go-Back-N ARQ protocol and the IEEE 802.3 (Ethernet) MAC protocol on UNIX using C programming language.

CIS 680 Data Structures
Created data abstraction of least cost path machine using the algorithm principles by programming in C++, including data structures, file structures, lists, trees, graphs, searching and sorting.

CIS 681 Introduction to Computer Graphics
Developed to display hardware and applications, interactive techniques, 2D scan conversion, 2D and 3D transformations, clipping, 3D viewing, also implement visible surface algorithms and illumination models by programming in C++.

CIS 778 Computer-Aided Design and Analysis of VLSI Circuits
Designed and verified using IRSIM and MAGIC to layout a restoring logic CMOS circuit for one stage of an N-bit "Greater-Than" Comparator, and optimized the performance of a 16-bit "Greater-Than" Comparator with a large capacitive load. Designed and verified functional correctness of a 4-bit greater-than comparator by using Verilog compiler. Designed a soda machine controller to the particular specifications using Verilog compiler.

EE 561 Digital Circuit Design
Explored the digital simulation and design tools of the Mentor Graphics package, and used it to design asynchronous state machine and a bare-bones alarm clock.


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