Welcome, Welcome! To Haruka's own place in cyber space! All information is accurate so any and all info here is Grrreat! Everything is up except movies my server is still being a big pain. For more information on my situation then go ahead and click on the link to the movie section. Please enjoy your stay and if you have any questions, or any answers then please feel free to be a nice person and let me know alrighty? nene-romanova@usa.net
What Leaveing so soon? well thats Okay. Just promise to come back sometime soon. New things will be up and at the end of the month there will be a new contest for all you crazy cats who want to rob me of my worldly possesions,kidding,again, Well if you have and Questions, Answers, or comments then E-mail me nene-romanova@usa.net Bai!
You are Sailor Uranus Fan
To be here since 4-5-98
*This page was last updated on:
Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon LinkExchange