Vietnam's Socio-Economic Development (VSED) is a journal that specializes in the economic and social development issues of Vietnam. 
VSED publishes the result of original research on the subjects by both scholars and other interested persons. It serves also as a reliable and up-to-date source of information on contemporary socio-economic environment of Vietnam.

The journal includes the following main topics:
  • Vietnam economy in transition process
  • Macroeconomic environmennt and economic growth
  • Sectoral and regional economic development
  • Microeconomic behaviour
  • Industrialization, trade and technology transfer
  • International economic relations and position of Vietnam in the world scene
  • Socio-economic database
  • Economic and legal information for businessmen and investors
  • News on Vietnam social sciences
  • Book reviews.

VSED is published quarterly in March, June, September and December. It is sponsored by the Vietnam National Centre for Social Sciences and Humanities and its main economic research institution - the Institute of Economics.

Vietnam's Socio-Economic Development Review wellcomes the submission of manuscripts dealing with issues on contemporary economic and social development in Vietnam.
Manuscripts should not exceed 20 double-spaced pages in length (with 10 characters per inch) on A4 sized paper (210mm x 297mm). In addition to hard copy, manuscripts may be submitted in electronic format on 3.5 inch disk (IBM-compatible in 1.44Mb format) containing the original files writen by WinWord or WordPerfect. All manuscripts submitted for publication will not be returned to the author.

Authors will be neither charged nor remunerated for publication of manuscripts.

Responsibility for facts and opinions presented in the contents of articles rests exclusively with the individual authors. Their interpretations do not necessarily reflect the views of the institutions where they are working or the Editorial Board of the Vietnam's Socio-Economic Development Review.

Editorial and Business Address:
Vietnam's Socio-Economic Development Review
27 Tran Xuan Soan St, Hanoi, Vietnam
Phone/Fax: (84-4) 9783802
VSED ContentsSubscription