The Photo Album...

welcome 2 the photo album! =) thanks 4 taking time 2 check out the phatty pics! this has taken meeh 4ever n a day 2 put 2gether (dude, you don't even know! the scannin lab is my 2nd home!), but it's most definitely worth the wait- eheh!...

anyways, hope you enjoyin peepin this (you just might find yourself up in here somewhere 2!} just as a WARNING: 4 real- there are MAD pics!! if you have ethernet, it's hella fast (whOoHoOo!) but 4 those who don't, i apologize 4 the upload time!... wells, check back again soon cuz i'll be updating this after new events n what not!... OoO, n i only ask that you please don't steal any pics w/out my permission! just lemme know first n i'll be glad 2 release them 2 you! alrighty, have phun n don't 4get 2 sign the guestbook b4 leavin! Thanks a bundle! =)

Boston University 1998-1999

Summer 1998

Boston University 1997-1998

High School Pics

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(Hint Hint: I LoVe GeTTiN MaiL- hehe!)

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this page was last updated May.14.1999

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