Franky Matches

Franky Matches Last update:
February 05, 1999
All new hover buttons in the Sandra Ng website
Some Bio info about Chingmy!
Pics from Other Films Gallery added,
more candid shots, more movie posters!
I apologize for all the downtime this month,
but I have restructured the website,
and I think that you will be pleased with the results



Some of my favorite Hong Kong Actors:

Lam Ching Ying's Appreciation Page The Lam Ching-Ying page featuring bio info, a gallery, and filmography!
Sandra Ng's Appreciation Page The Sandra Ng page featuring a gallery of over 70 pictures, bio info, animated gifs and a filmography
Chingmy Yau's Appreciation Page The Chingmy Yau page featuring a gallery of over 110 pictures, filmography, wavs and bio info
construct.gif (21132 bytes) Matarael's Homepage soon to feature an all new Evangelion website.
link_u_1.gif (5241 bytes) Links, Links, Links, links to other HK dedicated websites and a ton of Anime links!
Franky Matches bio page Franky Matches Bio page with pics and links!
Books Hong Kong related books and where to buy them!!
Mail Me E-Mail Franky Matches

is owned by Franky Matches.

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