With you
Life is like a story from a book from when I was little
There are parts that are read over and over again
Time that I spend with you is one of those times
If I could only stop time linger the last minutes into hours
I could relive sweet times with you over and over again
I imagine that I am your knight in shining armor
I lose you to a dark knight that tries to steal your love
But don’t worry I would come to save you take you away
To a castle in the clouds with the silver linings
I close this book when finished dreams fill my mind
Dreams of the beauty and a happy ending set free
With you it’s always like that fairy tales come to life
It’s about a guy an a girl, who are blocked by a wall
They pass countless nights away talking growing close
Though they may have never left there’s care and a bond
One day that wall will come down an they will be together
Just takes time and hope, possibly dreams will come true
Cause with you its worth it, I will not end in sadness
To know you is to know a princess
To care for you is to hold a shooting star
To lose you is to share happiness with the world
Beauty had The Beast
Anastasia had Dimitri
Juliet had Romeo
You will always have me with you.
joe Lee