This is The page of Sailor Neptune.This page contains information on Sailor Neptune for all you Michi Fans out there.This page is all about Music you all.come hear if you are one of those music lover's,this stuff is purely sound spoken.
Japanese Name: Kaiou Michiru
Name Meaning: Full, King of the Ocean
American Name: Michelle Kaiou (rumor)
Birthday: March 6, 1978
Astrological sign: Pisces
Blood type: O
Favorite color: marine blue
Hobby: collecting cosmetics
Favorite food: Sashimi
Least favorite food: kikurage mushrooms
Favorite Gem Stone: aqua marine
Favorite subject: Music
Worst subject: none
Has trouble with: sea cucumbers
Strong point: violins
Dream: to be a violinist
Height: 5'4"