Okay, let's all face it. When it comes to Rini, you either love her or you hate her. I'mone who hates her. Here are the reasons why:

-She's too pink!

-Her voice is annoying in the DIC version and the Japanese version

-She has really weak attacks

-She caused Crystal Tokyo to be attacked. If the Silver Crystal (or whatever in Japanese, I won't even attempt to spell it) hadn't disappeared, everything would just peachy, but noooooo......

-She's a brat

-She's spoiled

-She's a spoiled brat (I couldn't resist)

-She's an added character that never needed to exist. She's doesn't add to the story with anything except pink sugary type stuff

-She gets into a lot of trouble and doesn't get out of it cutely (like Chibi Chibi)

-She hypnotizes people!

And finally.......

-What's there to like?

Note: This only applies to Rini, not Chibi Usa. Everyone hates Rini. Chibi Usa is the same character, but is portrayed as a much more likeable person. She still annoys me, but not as much. There, you happy Rachel?

Yes, I realize these views are very bias and totally dis Chibi Usa/Rini. If you have any flames or other reasons why she should be hated (logical ones please), please e-mail me. Flames will be posted on the flames page though, with a response of course.