As you can see..this gallery is just getting started..If ya wanna post your own Fan Art up here..(PLEASE!) then you can E-mail it to me at my E-mail No tracers allowed!^_^


The following were done by me! (Rhea) ^_^

---muahaha... Mimas and Trunks... so she'd rather be with Vegita but too bad! *nyah nyah* ::sticks out toungue::

Mimas & Trunks

Rhea and Vegita

---hee hee guess what! ^__^ (Me and Veggie)

SSJ Majin Vegita powering up

---Self explanitory....

Bulma and Vegita


Super Saiya-jin Pan

---Why not??

Trunks & Marron

--- A Super kawaii pic of one of my favorite couples: Trunks and Marron!! Sorry Trunks and Pan fans.. ^^;..

Mimas with Mr. Bear on her head

---One of the super kawaii characters from me and my best friendz manga.. her name is Mimas ^^.. sorry it looks like crap on the net.. O.o(12-20-99)


---This is a picture of... (Guess who!) from me and my friend's manga..AKA Sailor Moon: A New Beginning


---This is a picture of Niji (who is Rhea but not evil... long story....) from Sailor Moon: A New Beginning

A very old picture of Rhea and Mimas (7-15-99) I drew it in the car on the way home from my dad's work ^_^

Rhea & Mimas

Could.. Trunks be proposing to Marron??? Hm... we'd like to THINK so.. Or maybe he's just telling her that she is kawaii ^___^ hee hee

Trunks and Marron

Goten and Bura

A VERY Fast pic I drew in class... Goten takes Bura on a date! IT was so kawaii I had to put it up!! Hee hee..

Niji's head

A real old picture of Niji's head I drew with this spiffy pen while on the computer ^_^


Here is a picture of Kiana from Sailor Moon: A New Beginning (11-29-99)

This is a picture I had to draw for a cartoon for art class (By the way.. I learn NOTHING in there) the reason it looks so good is because we were suppossed to trace the outlines.. ^^ But everything else I did by hand.


This must be THE best picture I have ever drawn without tracing! ^__^ I drew it for my friend, Merrielle.. no, it has nothing to do with DBZ.. but it is my best work!! ^___^

Cow Girl


Johnny's Fan Art

Johnny's made so many cool drawings.. I decided to give him his own lil page! Go here!!!

Johnny's drawings

John (Piccolo's) ^_^ Fan Art

Piccolo and Babidi

A pic of Piccolo and Babidi (Boppity) from a card

Gohan, Goku and Vegita's head.. (SSJ)

3 Super Saya-jin

One of the Buus' (the skinny one)shooting the blast that kills everyone on Earth (I forgot the name) from a card

Buu(Whichever Buu he is)

Skye's Fan Art

This is a very cool pic of Goku in Super Saiya-jin

SSJ Goku


These are some fan arts drawn by either friends of mine of fans to this site .. they are not necessarily Dragon Ball Fan arts.. but they are so kawaii I just had to put em here! ^_^

Pearl's Fan Art

This is a very cool pic of my online friend (Pearl)'s RP character! (Pearl) ^___^ She is the daughter of Trunks! ^^


Skye's Fan Art

Here is a picture of Tuxedo Mask from another anime called Sailor Moon! --very well drawn--^_^

Tuxedo Kamen

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If you are planning on using any of these fan arts for your own page.. you gotta ask me first.. where I will ask the artists' if they agree to. you MAY NOT (ever) steal these and claim that you drew them... of course I can't exactly go hunt you down... but um... I'll think of something! ^^ also.. please please!! Send in your own fan art as well!!! Remember.. that's the only way this section will grow! And try not to trace! But traced fan art is better than no fan art!