~*~Sailor Moon Senshi~*~
S a i l o r M o o n S e n s h i ©

Welcome to my little happy home! Thanx a bunch for those people that signed my guestbook! Even though it might be for the award, but I'm still touched. Take a note that this page is not totally 100% percent done, so give me all your complaints, thoughts, ideas, suggestions, comments, etc. etc. To me, well complimenting with be good also, I'm sure my site will need some, since I work harder if someone compliments me...J/K! Hehe! I also know I have more then a billion stuff to do to make it live up to it's name, I know it'll be like a decade later but, please keep hope. Don't worry Sailor Moon loving is not a phaze. And also remember I'm direct linking through my aol directory which all my pictures are stored there, so it's not against the law, I allowed myself to direct link. ^_~. Well click Sailor Moon Senshi or the badge to Enter my domain. Or go to the Club I own with Sailor Venus.

And to those stupid people that don't understand.... Hello!!! I'm not stealing bandwidth!! It's from my OWN AOL website directory, which stores all my pictures!!!! So get it through your THICK heads!!! Such as the nitwitt called Lynn who was too scared of ME to write his/her e-mail. Haha loser! Anyways Thank you, and for the rest of you, come in come in.


Golden Crescent Moon Club

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People and others have came since Dec 26, 1998
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One and only my disclaimer.
© 1998, 1999 Copyright on all the ideas. Serena Most of all the pictures are from, SM Tool Box, Paul's site, and had recieved helpful comments from, SM Tool Box, John Poon's Site & last but not least Lady Firefly. Thanks. Please go to their sites. Please don't take any of my ideas. And if you want my graphics go to the sites above and for more information I made some of the pictures clear, and some banners and awards, and a few pictures. Most of my pictures are from my own aol directory, except for the few awards, webrings, and people who let me through their banners, etc. Note that none of the characters are mine, they're from their artists. This site was found the month of Febuary, 1998. And of course for the free service, Geocities.