SuperRecoome's Dragon Ball Z, Sailor Moon, and Final Fantasy Webpage.
Welcome to my Webpage. I don't know much about making a webpage so bear with me here. This page is about the things I know about, mainly the english episodes of DBZ, Sailor Moon, and all the Final Fantasy games. As well as a few other things. I would really like as much feedback as I can get. This webpage will take a VERY long time to finish because of all the info that I want it to have so if anyone would like to help by writing character descriptions, walkthroughs ETC...Then E-mail it to me and you will get credit for it.So click on the section you want to go to. Just so you all know There is not much here yet. I am still trying to get my act together and I wanted to put up SOMETHING. The Final Fantasy Section has been added but only the characters section is up yet. Algus, Agrias and Alma are up in the characters section. The top ten lists are up.
DragonBall ZThis will be worked on at the same time as the Final Fantasy section
Sailor MoonThis one will have images sounds etc.... after I finish the Final Fantasy part
Final FantasyI hope that one day this will have EVERYTHING anyone could ever want
Marvel Super HeroesJust some pictures and general info.
Just for fun some Top Ten ListsWith such things as Top 10 unsung heroes. Mostly from games and anime
Want to rant and rave at me? thenE-Mail Me